UB vs Oneonta

<p>i got into both and other public schools, but in the end i know that ill probably end up at a SUNY because of the cost even though they arent really my favorites. if you had to choose, which one would you go to UB or Oneonta?</p>

<p>They’re very different schools. You need to visit them yourself before you make your final decision.</p>

<p>UB has more national recognition. It is a huge school, with 2 campuses and they are talking about doubling the size in the next 10 years. UB has some great programs and I know many who have been very successful there, but you need to be able to thrive in the university setting. </p>

<p>Oneonta is more of a college environment, most kids in the dorms. We visited and thought the campus was very nice. Smaller classes, most kids live on campus. My niece is a soph. and is very happy there. It does have a small town. </p>

<p>Each have there strengths, Congratulations on having this choice to make!</p>

<p>haha Twilight I was just about to post this exact thing. I think ultimately out of the state schools I was accepted to, it’s coming down to these two. I’m visiting Buffalo in April, and I saw Oneonta last april.</p>

<p>But the question on my mind remains too. Is there more to do at Buffalo (considering Oneonta is a pretty small town), or not neccesarily?</p>

<p>Also, which has a better media studies/mass communications program?</p>

<p>My D is a freshman at UB and is planning to do a double major in English/Media Studies (emphasis on film studies). There’s a lot to do on campus, and off campus there are several interesting, artsy neighborhoods like Elwood Village and Allentown. Toronto is only a 90 minute drive away.</p>

<p>Oneonta has a strong communications program (public relations, advertising, marketing); In my job as a public relations/marketing professional, I have worked with several well trained interns who went through the Oneonta program. </p>

<p>The UB media studies program is very good and has two tracks, one focusing more on media production, the other more analysis/interpretation. They also offer programs in digital and new media, robotics, virtual reality, animation, etc. More info here:
[UB</a> Department of Media Study](<a href=“Department of Media Study - University at Buffalo”>http://mediastudy.buffalo.edu/)</p>

<p>There is plenty to do in Oneonta, though admittidly it’s not the party capital it once was. It really depends on your major. I’m a Music Industry major, so Oneonta was an obvious choice because it is one of the best programs in the country.</p>