<p>Alright...i know ucla ucb and ucsd are all pretty hard to get into..but after you get in..how tough is the coursework? i dont think the classes should be that hard..im kinda just picturing the students making it hard by throwing off the curves..it seems to me like ill be surrounded by the same type A personalities ive been surrounded with for the past four years (in the honors/ap core of students); the types of kids who are crazily into academic competition..yatta yatta..but in general are students as competitive as i hear they are? oh yeah and im most likely going to be a social science major unless i get a sign from god that i was meant to be a doctor/engineer (ha?)..but yeah im really interested to know how the classes truly are.</p>
<p>ps: i sat in on this stats class in boelter hall (holy eff..took me so long to find the class..i got lost in the math and sciences building) and the students (in a class of around 300-400 students) actually participated in class n the professor (goddamn..ive never been able to spell that word..still dunno if its right) talked with them afterward..how common is this?</p>
<p>info please! yay! thanks