UC A-G Requirements

My daughter has applied to several UC schools and is waiting to hear about admissions. I just realized that she has only 1/2 a year of Art rather than the one year required for A-G requirements. Do you think this means she will not be accepted anywhere?

They will still review her application so there is always a chance she may be accepted somewhere. Where did she apply and I am assuming she has not heard from any school yet?

Unfortunately a requirement is a requirement unless she provided an explanation of why she is missing the other 1/2 year course such as schedule conflict, courses not available at the HS etc…

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She applied to all of the campuses except Merced. She hasn’t heard from any schools yet except that UCLA asked for additional information. She did not explain the missing semester because we didn’t realize she needed a year and not 1/2 a year. She could add another art class now and update her applications (the ones that allow it), but is it too late? Other complications: she has a chronic illness which she wrote about in her essays and she is graduating from a high school in Massachusetts but her dad is a CA resident so we are applying for in-state tuition. She has a weighted GPA of 4.17. Also, she did junior year of high school in Sacramento and is top 9% for that year.

Yes, too late to update the application since admissions has already been sending out some decisions like UCR, UCM and UCSC but you always try to see if something can be done.

Here is some information from another poster’s inquiry about not fulfilling the VPA requirement.

The Visual and Performing Arts requirement states that a student must take a year long or two semester long courses in one of the four accepted disciplines of Music, Theatre, Dance or Visual Art. If the student opts to take two semester long courses they must fall within the same discipline. For example, a student can take a semester of Painting and a semester of Ceramics to fulfill the requirement. If they take a semester of Painting and a semester of Orchestra they will not fulfill the requirement as the courses do not fall into the same discipline.

If your school does not offer two semester long courses that fall into the same discipline there are alternate ways to fulfill the requirement. The website included below will detail the other ways to fulfill this requirement.


If you find that you are unable to fulfill the requirement with any of the above options you can explain the reason why in the additional comments section. Please be aware that failure to fulfill all requirement will have a negative impact on your application.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact us again.

Thank you,

University of California Application Center

Ok thanks! UCSC is her first choice so it is probably too late. Ugh. Do you think we should reach out directly to admissions or just try to update her schedule in the applications?

I would reach out directly to admissions. Updates this late are not guaranteed to be considered.

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Thank you!

Yes, unfortunately, in-state tuition is a complication because your child has not been physically present in the State of California and has not completed her education in a California high school.

Please read through the residency requirements: