UC Acceptances

Hello all, it’s been truly heartbreaking for me, however I received a D in my AP Physics course in my senior year of high school, and I feel that my chances at a UC are pretty much down. There’s a whole back story of financial issues, job obtainment, a full schedule of APs etc. that I won’t get into too much, but I was wondering if my chances were truly done. I have submitted my grade report to all UCs with the statement already, my SAT is a 1400 if that helps in answering my question. I would like to say that I have been a decent student as I have taken AP/Honors throughout the entirety of high school with this being the only grade slipping below a B.

Each UC campus will determine the next step in regards to your D.

All UC’s state in their provisional admission contract that no D’s or F’s Senior year but they will evaluate each students specific circumstances, so there is no hard and fast rule that all hope is gone.

By having followed through with reporting your grade with a statement of explanation along with a good academic record throughout HS, that can help the situation.

Hopefully the UC’s will see this as small blip on your record and give you the chance to get your 2nd semester grade up to a C or higher.

Best of luck.

My son was in a similar situation. He took a linear algebra course at a local community college and got a D. He had never received a grade lower than an A in all of high school.

Last month, he reported his grade along with a letter of explanation to the UCs he applied to, but has not received a response. We are hoping that because he did not need this math course to fulfill his a-g requirements it will have less of a negative impact.

Just yesterday he received admission to UCIs honors program.

Best of luck to you during this difficult waiting game.

Speaking as a parent. My child applied so maybe 6 UC schools mostly the ones in So. Cal, as well as San Diego State. She was waitlisted on UCI and UCSB, and not admitted to the rest. Even San Diego State which is where I went.

Needless to say I was very surprised. Bottom line(and we were told that on various tours) that these schools get over 100,000 applications give or take for maybe 6 thousand and a bit more openings. So its just very hard to get in. My daughter was a 3.7 but she did not score well on the SAT.

I think your SAT 1400 is VERY good…so I would say you at least have a decent chance, but I have no way of knowing.

Unfortunately because the UC schools are such a good value in terms of quality and price, their are many applicants. Combine that with the fact many people all over the country and world want to live in California, with the weather and the beaches…and its just a recipe for the situation.

Good luck let us know…keep your head up.

Oh…a side note. I don’t know if ur familiar with the “colleges that save lives” book on liberal arts colleges. My daughter applied to maybe 8 since there was no app fee. She was accepted to ALL of them. So that goes to show you. The UC’s are hard to get in.

They offered packages equal to about half the cost, and we of course wanted more. But after much thought my daughter pretty much wants to stay in California, where she was born…so I doubt any of those will happen. But just to show ya. CA is tough.