UC Additional Comments Section

<p>Would it hurt or help my application to explain the reason for my B in band for a semester? Music is a pretty big part of my application, but I don’t want to come off as some guy who complains a lot.</p>

<p>"I take full responsibility for the B’s I received in high school, but I do want to clarify that my B in Concert Band in 10th grade was not received on a lack of effort in band but on my failure to give clear reminders to my teacher.Towards the end of the semester, I completed a concert write-up that gave me enough points for an A, but it was not recorded in the grade log. My failure to remind the teacher of this before the grade deadlines resulted in my B, and ever since I’ve made sure to make my reminders to teachers clear and concise. "</p>

<p>If music is a big part of your application, then take out “and ever since I’ve made sure to make my reminders to teachers clear and concise.” That comes off pretty cheesy.</p>