UC "Additional Comments"

<p>In the UC Applications’ Additional Comment section after the Personal Statement, is it recommended for me to say that i’m not a good tester ( 9&10th grade scores are low as well as my SATs) and then going on to say that i’ve been working on it/improvements i’ve made (SAT subj tests and IB predicted grades)? </p>

<p>Or should I not put anything at all? </p>


<p>If your grades are high, then it’s evident that you’re not as good at test taking. Colleges, though probably less unsympathetic to low scores than low grades, are probably not likely to see low scores as a good thing as they indicate aptitude to some extent. Best not to bring attention to it.</p>

<p>It might be helpful to take it again if you’ve truly approved. (although I don’t know if the deadline has passed for UC spplicants)</p>

<p>Don’t say anything at all.</p>