UC Additional Info Word Limit?

<p>Is there a limit to how long the additional info section can be? I looked but I couldn’t find where they specify a world limit for this part.</p>

<p>I want to talk about one of my extra-curriculars here since I didn’t get a chance to in the personal statements, so I was wondering how long it could be.</p>


<p>I read somewhere that its 500.</p>

<p>This is not an essay. There is no word limit here.</p>

<p>Since it doesnt state any word limit, there isnt one!!! :)</p>

<p>I think =)</p>

<p>Don't be verbose though. If you were an adcom, and had to read a whole 1000 more words for the additional space part, I don't know about you but I'd find reasons to not like that app rather easily.</p>

<p>No essay is required for the additional info, therefore no word limit. This is a space for explanation, if there is any explanation.</p>

<p>"Following the personal statement, there's a section called Additional Comments. Use this space-up to 500 words-to tell us anything you want us to know about you or your academic record..."</p>

<p><a href="http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/resources/materials/ApplyOnline.pdf%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/resources/materials/ApplyOnline.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>


<p>What can u put int he additional info? What should we put? Like what exactly do they wanna hear or what they don't want to hear. Like can u talk about financial difficulties etc.</p>

<p>Well, I know for certain that if you are applying to EOP, you should definitely talk about your reasons why you want to join in the additional comments. Thats what I did, but I'm not sure about all the other stuff. </p>

<p>Sorry, can't be of more help =P</p>

<p>Does the third section have to be good? I mean for the first 2 sections I put a lot of thought into pretty much every word I wrote and into my sentence structure, can I just frankly say everything for the third section? And what if it's for EOP? Can I just say "my mom is this, my brother was this, we make this much, I was born here" etc?</p>

<p>bump? I'd really like an answer to this question soon.</p>

<p>Well, I think it doesn't have to be extremely good because 1) its optional and 2) its just additional stuff you want to add on.</p>

<p>Just give the basic information you want them to know. Thats what I did. I'm not sure, so don't trust my words too much. o_o</p>

<p>its definietly 500 word limit, an admission reader from Berkeley told me that</p>

<p>i heard its better not to write anything

<p>Well if you don't have anything to say, why would you try to fluff it up there? If you do, then even something weak, as long as its substantial, is likely to give a better picture of who you are to the adcoms.</p>

<p>The additional comments sections should only be used to briefly explain unclear situations. For example; your citizen status, unique/uncommon grading or term system, clarify missing coursework (No language other than English because SAT score meets requirements), and/or issues with examination scores (due to California fires examinations will be completed at a later date). This space is not available to expand your personal statement.</p>