UC Admission by Exception Chances

<p>Hello, I'm a California resident and really hoping to go to a UC by applying for admission by exception. (I know many of you are going to tell me to try going to a CSU but I REALLY want to try for a UC)</p>

<p>The reason I'm applying for admission by exception is because I grew up with only my mother and little brother. I come from a low income family, my mother only makes 19k annually. In the 9th grade, my mother was diagnosed with cancer and was unable to work, our house was almost foreclosed. I had to get a part time job and work after school to try and make money for monthly payments as well as watching over my little brother (taking him to school, babysitting, etc.) Due to this, my grades started to drop resulting in an extremely low GPA. This experience, however, gave me responsibility that is rare for other kids my age and has taught me alot about life. I hope to address these issues in my personal statement.</p>

Male, Asian (Vietnamese)
CA Resident
12th Grade
First generation American</p>

<p>Academic GPA Non-weighted: 2.62
Weighted GPA: 2.72
APs: Environmental Science (2 on AP Test), Calculus AB (In Progress), Biology (In Progress)
Honors: Chemistry, American Literature
School doesn't rank students.
My GPA for sophomore year was 3.5 and 3.1 (1st/2nd Semester), I received C's in both semesters of chemistry.
I started working after 1st semester of sophomore year and I received straight D's first semester of Junior Year (1.6 GPA), second semester my grades went up but only slightly (2.3 GPA)</p>

<p>ACT with Writing: 28 Composite (Took twice, received 28 on both)</p>

Ecological Biology - Just took
US History - Just took
Math II - Just took</p>

<p>Intended Major: Computer Science
Alt Major: Cognitive Science</p>

Boy Scouts (Since age 7, will obtain Eagle in about 3 months)
Marching Band (Grade 9-12, Section Leader for Saxophones)
Key Club (11-12)
Community service (300+ hours)</p>

<p>2 Jobs:
Sales Associate at Furniture store (Summer before sophomore year)
Intern at Wave Systems Corp., a software engineering company. (2nd semester Sophomore year to present) </p>

<p>My mom was able to start working again so our total income is about 24,000 annually.</p>

<p>I'm really hoping to get accepted at UC Santa Cruz or UC Riverside. Do I stand any chance?

<p>Yeah man you do. </p>

<p>I know because I was accepted by exception. My story is a little different than yours though. I attended a community college for three years (right after high school) and while there I was diagnosed with cancer and did all the treatment necessary while in school basically. I managed to maintain a 2.84 GPA prior to admission but raised it above a 3.0 before enrollment (which was huge to the UC’s even considering my situation).</p>

<p>My major is structural engineering but I completed all my ge’s and lower div’s (which obviously you can’t because you’re still in high school). But my point being, is yes you definitely can be granted admission. BUT YOU NEED TO TAKE THE INITIATIVE!! You need to talk and pretty much harass the UC rep’s and admission counselors NOW and within these next couples month prior to decisions. They need to know your situation and bring it up to the directors review (aka UC admission by exception).</p>

<p>I don’t know how UCR or UCSC evaluates special applicants. I know UCSD is a very, very understanding UC when it comes to these kind of things. Keep in mind, a 2.60 GPA out of high school is extremely low so there is the chance you won’t be granted admission into a UC. If so, do a community college and go to a better UC (if that’s really where you want to go). PM if you need anything dude. G’luck!</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, do you know if there are any extra supplements I need to complete to apply for Admission by Exception?</p>

<p>None that I know of. Just make sure that the admission advisor/representative knows you and your situation.</p>

<p>All right, I just emailed both campuses and stated that I wish to apply by that path. Thanks for the advice. More input please!</p>

<p>like other posters have said.</p>

<p>make sure you talk bout these things in the UC essays and additional comments–i think the typical GPA for UC’s is 3.2? but knowing your conditions and circumstances they should be able to “lower” things for you.</p>

<p>btw. im really sry about what happened –
but chant krishna’s name everything will become okay! :)</p>

<p>hi -</p>

<p>Just stopping by to say that you sound like a very strong person, and I wish the best for you.</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouragement spatel and DoinSchool. Any other advice anyone?</p>

<p>Bump~~ Advice please. Also would EOP boost my chances of being admitted?</p>

<p>you need to make sure that they realize your situation because otherwise you just dont have a chance. chance me back <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1033113-chance-me-ill-chance-you-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1033113-chance-me-ill-chance-you-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>UC Exception: I’m telling you from experience, emails are worthless. You need to sit down and explain everything; you need to keep on being insistent. UC through exception and Director’s Review are much more understanding than a normal applicant; almost always will lead to admission. </p>

<p>A lot people know this and do whatever they can to get into it (for example: someone who has ADD will try to do admission by exception…). My point being is that everyone wants in and you have make them understand your situation.</p>

<p>Imendoza, how would he do that? Most I know can’t get a return email or person to answer a phone in UC admissions offices.</p>

<p>Imendoza, how would I sit down and explain my story to an admissions officer? Also, I made a mistake about my ACT score, my highest was a 31 but I thought they only took the most recent one so I posted 28. But if I’m apply by exception, would my test scores even matter?</p>

<p>My example: at my CC we have admission officers / UC representatives come out to campus and answer questions. This is where I made my ambush. You explain your situation and ask them to place you on director’s review… Like I mentioned before, emails and phone calls are useless. You need to find a way to make it more personable.</p>

<p>Your ACT score of 31 is well above the average for admitted students at UCR and UCSC and it will be extremely important to your chances. These universities need to have some reason to believe that if they admit you, you will succeed at their school. Because of your circumstances your high school GPA does not indicate you would do well at a UC but an ACT score of 31 shows that you are very intelligent and if given the opportunity can do college level work at a very high level. Somehow you need to get in to see someone in the admissions departments of UCR and UCSC who has significant influence and your ACT score should be very high on your agenda of what you want to say to them.</p>