UC Admission

Hi. I moved to California from Minnesota last summer.
GPA: Unweighted: around 3.8 Weighted: 4.3 (Midwest does not have many Ap’s)
SAT I: 1910 I am hoping for a 2000+ second time around
Sat II’s: Hopefully 700+ on math and same for bio
Extracurriculars: Radilologist assistant at hospital, NHS, CSF, National History day Regional Finalist, Active member of Church, 3 Years tennis
Nationality: American-Indian

I would like to go to UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, or USC. I have accepted that I will not get into UCLA or UCB but I would like to know if UCSD is possible.

<p>iono if you count as instate. there are some standards. look them up online. you may have had to lived in cali for more than a certain time</p>

<p>UCSD is pretty possible.. SOOO many people got in from our school this year with lower stats than you. But you never know.. cant always count on admission 100%.. but personally.. i dont think you have much to worry about for UCSD..4.3 is high for not a lot of APs.. my non competive sucky CA high school has not a lot of APs... Validictorian only had a 4.3</p>

<p>m3ssi, stop bashing our high school LOL. our high school wasn't sucky; sending 50% of its graduates to 4-year colleges is well above average compared to the rest of the USA's high schools (but mediocre here on CC). your class of 2005 was just sucky... you will probably admit to that. </p>

<p>anyway, iliketodomath, you do stand a chance at all of your target schools. an american-indian is always a hook, but your own merits are good as well. you're somewhere around a match for UCSD but i dont know if you qualify for in-state or not.</p>

<p>its is sucky! becsaue my graduating class this year was sucky.. 30% going to college.. i just did the math LOL... 71 Cal states. 74 UCs, 15 private/outta state.. = 160...522 ppl in our class.. err. couting non graduates ahha... grand total of 30%.. excluding non grads... 160/498.(something like tat)... 32%.. our high school's goodness has gone down... lol i think we hit our peak with 2002/2003</p>

<p>urm means nothing</p>

<p>UCLA and Berkeley will be reaches. Berkeley is particularly tough on put-of-staters.
You probably have a 65-80% chance at UCSD.</p>

<p>It's a pretty sure bet OP qualifies as in-state because s/he was in residency over a year. </p>

<p>Anyway liketodomath, you need to go to the UC Pathways website and calculate your UC-weighted GPA. They give instruction about how to calculate it their way. Also be very sure that you meet all of the "A-G" requirements (coursework) for admission. UC is very particular about this. After you determine your UC GPA, then you can compare yours to the average accepted student GPA at each school, also published somewhere in pathways.</p>

<p>The weighted/unweighted that you post looks odd if you didn't have many AP's--too big a spread. IIrc, dd's was 3.75uw/4.0w With about 5 Hon/AP. Anyway that got her into UCB and UCSD, but she went elsewhere in the end.</p>

<p>I have no idea why you 'accept' that you won't get in the schools you want. What is this due to? Are you that qualified to know? I'd advise you to apply anyway. I hope you are looking at some private schools that may be very interested in your URM status. Some schools will give enough merit aid to make the private in the UC range cost-wise.</p>

<p>There is no AA at UCs. You can try stanford, they recruit american indians, but thats probably a reach, even with AA. Also pomona and harvey mudd (If you really do like to do math).</p>

<p>Officially there is no AA at the UCs, because it is forbidden by law. But they do have a surrogate for AA in their search for diversity. In the prompt for one of the essays they invite you tell about what sorts of life challenges you have overcome. This is the section where URMs can signal their status by explaining the challenges that being a URM has presented for them and how they met those challenges, etc. So you won't officially get points for being a URM, but you can get big points due to the challenges of being a URM.</p>

<p>yeah for some reason UCSD is getting easier to get into, but it is still a great school UCLA and UCB are always reaches you just have to know how to get into them always have great essays and ECs</p>


<p>UCLA: Reach
UCB: Reach
UCSD: Slight Reach
USC: Slight Reach</p>

<p>Check this: <a href="http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/sats/who/1.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/sats/who/1.html&lt;/a>
Yup, kids getting admitted with SAT scores vastly below yours. I'm not saying berkeley is a match, but there's a chance that you will "benefit" from AA.</p>

<p>He is an American-Indian.....he'll get in anywhere he applies with those stats....unless he means he is actually from India. But if hes a native american he will get in to all of them easily because the acceptance rate for any school for native americans is 99% or so.</p>

<p>Cal has always had an affinity for Native Americans....give it a shot.</p>

<p>I love how all these kids tell you that because youre a native american you'll get in. none of these kids obviously go a UC school. How ever, you are in luck because i do. I go to UCSC and i can assure you no uc has a policy of race based admissions. you are better off talking about your economic situation. california got rid of race based admissions in their UC system back in the 90's and minority enrollment has declined ever since, with the exception of asians. UCSC currently has the largest of minority to student body ratio out of any UC.</p>

<p>do not count on stats alone to get you in. ive seen scores of UC rejects withe excellent stats but no personality. The UC system has you answer three personal essay questions in which : you have to explain how you will bring diversity to the campus, explain how your work in the community has helped you for your major, explain any acedmic problems that may not look good on your application ( like explaining why you got a c in french etc). </p>

<p>Unless you grew up in a tee pee and lived of beens for the first 10 years of your life, expect the UC system to treat you like a NUMBER.</p>


<p>i'm pretty sure some of these kids go to UC's. i go to one myself. i think we all know that UC's don't use affirmative action in their admissions decisions. however, being a native american from minnesota is not your typical UC applicant. what you want to play up is not you being a native american but rather what you've learned or experienced as a result of being native american. (that's how URMs should approach their essays if they're trying to get across their URM status). it's kinda like saying dont play up the fact that you took AP classes but rather how well you performed in them. nevertheless, the OP's accomplishments are around a match for UCSD anyway regardless of race. </p>

<p>m3ssi, i told you your class sucks. my year had 30+ students going to UCSD... that's more than twice of what your class is sending there. and like 3 IB students going to community college? kind of a waste. but ill give you credit for being 1 of 3 students matriculating into a top private school. congrats on student of the month btw.</p>

<p>"ive seen scores of UC rejects with excellent stats but no personality... expect the UC system to treat you like a NUMBER."
Exactly what are you saying?</p>

<p>UCs don't use affirmative action</p>

<p>"UCs don't use affirmative action"</p>

<p>In theory, yes.</p>