UC admissions from a D?

Hi I’m a senior in high school who had iffy grades with I think an unweighted 3.4 GPA and I was wondering if getting a D was the last straw from them. If it matters it was a D in AP Calculus and since then I’ve finished it with an A and 4 on the AP exam. I haven’t taken the SAT yet either although I’m preparing by taking various paid online courses and such. Would it be impossible now to get into one of them (I’ve already discarded UCLA, even without this D), and also can I make it up with a good SAT score? I also have 3 AP classes I’m doing relatively well on right now but I’m curious on what they would do, most forums on this topic are outdated and don’t apply to me that well. Thanks for the input

Is the D first semester of Junior year? Did you retake that semester? Repeating the semester replaces the grade but both grades are still reported on the UC application.

UC’s allow Math grade Validation meaning if you pass the 2nd semester with a C or higher, then the D 1st semester is validated, however, if you do not repeat the class, your D will be calculated into your UC GPA which is only 10-11th grades. You will also not get the extra honors point bump for the D grade in the calculation.


So calculate your UC GPA. Post UW UC GPA, Capped Weighted UC GPA and Fully Weighted UC GPA.

Since you have no test scores to go with your GPA it is difficult to recommend UC’s, but based on what you have reported as an UW GPA, UC Merced, Riverside and Santa Cruz would be your likely targets.
UC’s tend to be very GPA focused but good test scores can help but not overcome poor grades.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.00-3.39

UCD: 4%
UCSC: 18%
UCR: 38%
UCM: 67%

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79:

UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 15%
UCSB: 14%
UCI: 13%
UCSC: 59%
UCR: 78%
UCM: 92%

Thank you this helps a lot. Yes it was first term of the semester and another question would senior grades help in the college application? And if they do until what semester/term? I know UC apps start during November-ish but I’m not clear when they fully end

Senior grades are not considered in admission decisions if you are targeting the UC’s. You self report all a-g course grades from 9-11th grades. Senior grades are not available at the time of application, so you would only list the courses in progress and planned for Senior year. UC’s will select certain applicants to submit supplemental review material including Mid term Senior grades, but only few applicants receive these supplementals. Reason for supplementals include mention of a disability/hardship, special talent and sometimes a declining grade trend.

Basically Senior grades maintain your provisional admission but will not be used to determine an acceptance.

The UC application closes Nov 30.

A little disjointed - sorry but, i’d back off your Sr schedule. 3APs is going to kill lots of time and won’t make a difference in your admission to a UC.

A 3.4 and 1200 will make all of the UCs pretty unlikely.( maybe Merced)

Shift your focus to CSU where you will qualify for most programs anywhere but SDSU and CPSLO. I didn’t pick up your intended major but, CSULB, Chico, Fullerton and Sonoma represent a pretty varied field and are a good place to start your research.

Do you know your desired field of study ? and, what are you looking for in your college experience?

I would respectfully disagree… or at least offer a different perspective. Do CC for 2 years (which would be nearly totally free) and then transfer to a UC- its way easier then getting admitted straight out of high school, and your HS GPA would no longer be considered. Essentially its a Win-Win.

yeah but, you have to compete for admission all over again… UCs transfer admission is competitive as well.

At this stage, the name of the game is having options open to you, rather than having your path chosen for you. If the OP applies to just a couple of UCs, he/she has essentially already decided to go to a CC (because UCLA ain’t gonna happen as a freshman) If he/she applies to and is accepted by a few CSUs, heading to a CC is still an option - but it won’t be the only one on the table.

I’d add, I went to a CC… so I see their value as a great option for many. Also, there is nothing wrong with earning a degree from a CSU, no secrets of the universe are passed along at the UCs that are kept from the lowly CSU attendees. In fact, for many students, the CSU is a more effective and less competitive/stressful learning environment. Class sizes are reasonable and you are taught by and have ready access to your professors. People who teach at CSUs want to be in a class-room, not in a lab or writing a book. Seriously, walk around on campus at SDSU and UCLA, sit in on some classes and talk to some students… In my experience, the UC kids are wound up and in a hurry and won’t have time for you while the CSU students are much more laid back and will stop and take time to talk to you.
Where would you rather spend 4 years?

@Gumbymom Hey just wondering, I received a supplemental from UCLA. will they take the grades that I received in my 1st semester of senior year into consideration when evaluating me?

Yes they will consider your Senior grades.