UC Admissions Question

<p>Question: My mom keeps bugging me about filing it in “as fast as possible” or else I “won’t get accepted to a UC, because they file admission by whoever turned in their apps first”. I’m almost certain this isn’t true, but she doesn’t believe me. Please prove her wrong ^^ so I can get a decent nights sleep…</p>

<p>It's not true, I'm guessing asian mom. They just kinda leave the apps there until whenever it is they deliberate. For UCs usually Dec-Jan. You definitely should send it in a few days before deadline though.</p>

<p>Nope as long as you meet the deadline there is absolutely no difference in admissions decisions. NOW as a mom I will tell you to hurry up and get it in. There are countless threads in past years by kids who procrastinated and the website crashed on them. Don't leave it till the last minute. I think so long as you get it done a few days early (3-5 days) you should be ok. Don't do it while you are tired, as you don't want to make careless errors. Go over your application carefully multiple times to be sure. Take time and proof read it over several days.</p>

<p>YES OMG ASIAN MOM. Haha....She just wants the best for me, but the constant bugging gets to me. I'm going to finish my essays tomorrow and give to my AP World Lit. teacher for review, so I should be done by Thanksgiving. YipppppeEEE! Thanks for the responses ^^</p>

<p>Location: Alhambra, CA</p>

<p>Yup, asian mom.</p>

<p>Yet another AHS person</p>

<p>Wow, deja vu. I'd still turn it in early though, since the server goes on the fritz the last 3 or so days. The stories of people not being able to turn their apps in because of a power outage or the server crashing are actually quite real.</p>

<p>this may be stupid, but the 11/30 deadline means sent out by then, not received by adcoms right?</p>

<p>The 11/30 deadline means postmarked or submitted online by midnight Friday. However, the server frequently crashes from overload on the 30th, so don't wait that late.</p>

<p>ps -- there is no advantage to applying early to the UCs. There IS an advantage to applying early in the month to impacted Cal State campuses.</p>

<p>Why the Cal States?</p>

<p>You can get accepted in weeks. I have a friend who just got into Fullerton, applied early Nov, 3 weeks later and she's in.</p>

<p>oh i see...so Glue, what's your name?</p>

<p>I appiled to Pomona November 1st and got admitted a couple weeks ago. I'm not surprise because i applied as a history major lol.</p>

<p>If the UC website does crash on Nov. 30 and we're forced to submit the app late.. will we be penalized?</p>

<p>^^^ Yes... unless you live in SoCal like me (we can turn in our apps by Dec. 14th if we were affected by the fires, which I wasn't haha)</p>

<p>I think if it crashes you might just be SOL. I think last year they extended it, but with this year and all the warnings it's like their preparing people for a crash.</p>