UC Admit Rates for Fall 2022 Freshman now posted

I might be mistaken about UCI, but thought I had read that somewhere.

The school breakdown is the second link in the original post (at the bottom) - the one called “Admissions by Source School.”

The data show that the yield rate at all GPAs, averaged across the UC system, has been dropping since ~2002. However, it has been increasing more recently at the more highly rejective UCs. It seems that those UCs are becoming generally more attractive.

Thumbs up but I want to say thumbs down! We can’t afford private school rates so my kid has applied to only OOS safeties that have large scholarships besides the UCs. She did get in to SDSU but cost is basically same as UCs with the COL in San Diego. Her big sis who had lower stats was a Regent’s candidate at Berkeley in 2020. It’s just so crazy that these high stats, non- engineering/CS kids could get shut out of the top UCs. Smh…


Thank you for that. Wow – looks like admits from our high school stayed about the same for UCB but actually went UP substantially for UCLA. But then the yield wasn’t as high to LA from our school. Hoping that doesn’t make them drop admits back down again this year!

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Believe me, I hear you! D23’s second choice is a private, but we will need major financial aid to be able to make that work. If not, it will be the CSU system for us (likely SFSU).


My kid is a massive marching band geek and only wants to go to a school with a decent size football program and good marching band. And she refuses to live in a red state. So that limits us!


I am very thankful that we put a lot of effort into finding good candidates for OOS safeties and likelies (and got help here on CC finding them as well)!


I’m wondering the same thing. Is this 10+ honors classes just in 10th/11th, or including 9th grade. At our school PE and Spanish have no honors options, so it would be very difficult to get 10+ honors in 2 years.


UCI is has been mentioned in a few articles but I think it is misleading. Irvine has plenty of privately owned apartments within a short distance of campus. They don’t have enough for everyone to live in student housing (dorms or ACC) which is what is usually mentioned in the articles. In my opinion, UCSB’s housing situation is a lot worse than UCI.


Yeah – definitely don’t hear about UCI students living out of cars like some have done at UCSB.

UCB decisions are apparently coming out RIGHT NOW. D23 just got an email to check her portal. Just FYI.

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Congratulations! :tada: :tada:

For everyone else reading the thread, it is only the few early decisions. Most of us don’t need to get too excited yet. :wink:

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Congrats, what’s your daughters major?

She’s CNR

I don’t really understand something about the measurement of total number of A-G courses, and I should preface that we are not from CA. But don’t the UCs only count the number of A-G courses taken in 10th and 11th grades? So if you took Spanish 1 or 2 in 9th grade for example, then it wouldn’t go into the total number of A-G courses, is that correct? And same for anything taken, like English, Math or Science in 9th or 12th grade? Thanks for clarifying!


If you check out this link and select A-G courses on the bottom of the page this is what is stated:
A-G data for students from California public and private high schools are based on courses submitted by the High Schools, reviewed by UC and are listed on the A-G course list. The process for students from high schools outside of California is different, therefore the data are not directly comparable.

Honors courses are AP, IB, UC transferable college courses (CA HS’s students only) and UC Certified Honors courses. Honors courses are taken 10-11th grades since the UC’s are using the Capped weighted GPA.

Would the count of A-G and Honors courses taken in 10th-11th grades also include three summers (summer before 10th, summer after 10th, summer after 11th) or just two of those summers?

The UC GPA is calculated using 10th and 11th grade classes. Fulfillment of A-G requirements and rigor is evaluated using all four years.

Edit to add: Certain math classes (Alg 1, Geom) and LOTE from junior high is also considered.


Yes, the summer after 9th through the summer prior to 12th.

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Yes, summer before 10th grade and summer after 11th grade.