UC app a-g course list

I’m out of state, and a search for my school under the a-g course lists yielded 0 results.

So, when i’m applying…
Do I need to use the course names given at <a href=“https://path-static.ucop.edu/pathways/statichtml/tip_subjectarea.html[/url]”>https://path-static.ucop.edu/pathways/statichtml/tip_subjectarea.html</a> to match their courses, or can i just use the names my h.s. uses?

if i’m supposed to use their exact course names, then what if the course i’ve taken is not a generic class that every h.s. has (say, an elective of some sort) and is not mentioned on the list?

i’ll appreciate all comments…
thanks very much!

<p>The A-G course list is mutated for out-of-state kids, and I totally forget how they compute it. However, for all schools in california, the UC system evaluates the classes offered at each high school and assigns them one of the following: AP, Honors, Non-Honors, or doesn't count them at all. Since the UC system can't do that for every high-school in the US, you need to talk to your guidance counselor ASAP so he or she can contact the UC system and get some info if he or she doesn't already have it. If you have any more questions email/IM me</p>

<p>i'm just going to use the course names that my HS uses. but what do you suggest i do for electives?</p>

<p>^ electives (such as health, speech, PE, etc.) should not be listed. I am out of state too, and i'm just gonna use the course names that my high school has.</p>

<p>they have a subject area called, "college prep electives." shouldn't we list our electives under there?</p>

<p>and this just keeps getting more and more confusing. i don't know how i should list one term long classes, since they ask us to add courses on a year long basis.</p>

<p>actually, you can only designate number of courses for 7/8th grade. for hs years, they don't ask whether or not you took them for two semesters or one. but each entry we make implies that it's a year long course, right?</p>

<p>i hope i make sense</p>

<p>for 7th and 8th grade courses you should be able to add them and give them names...thats what i did</p>

<p>You can only add electives if they are specified on the UC-approved course list. Yeah, i could not put 3-4 classes since they weren't there.</p>