UC App Confusion - Entering Courses Split Across Multiple Schoolyears

How would I enter these courses?

10th Grade, 1st Semester: H Math Analysis B
10th Grade, 2nd Semester: AP Calculus A
11th Grade, 1st Semester: AP Calculus B
11th Grade, 2nd Semester: AP Calculus C

The UC app only offers AP Calc choices in pairs of AB, and BC, so I’m confused.

Should I include my Calc B semester in AP Calc AB or AP Calc BC?

I noticed from another thread you are in state. Find the classes in https://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/agcourselist#/list/search/all or ask your counselor as it must be a common question.

The classes that my school offers are AP Calculus AB and AP Calculus BC according to the website you linked.

It is most common to have an AB class and a BC class so it isn’t surprising. Can you access your transcript to double check?

Yep. My transcript lists each of the three semesters of Calculus as A, B, and C.

So are Calculus A, B, and C etc. listed in the “transcript abbreviation” column of the AG articulation list? And AB and BC listed in the “title” column. If yes, you should be fine selecting AB and BC on the app drop down. If not, what do you see? And if this doesn’t make sense you really need to see your counseler on Monday.

It’s listed as AB and BC on that list. I’ll probably see my counselor just to double check.