UC App Help - Math Analysis/Calc A?

<p>I took Honors Math Analysis / AP Calculus A during my 10th grade year. </p>

<p>The only options for “I don’t see my courses” manually plugging in courses and grades are:</p>

<p>Algebra 1
Algebra 2
Integrated Math 1
Integrated Math 2
Integrated Math 3
Algebra 2/Trig
Advanced Mathematics</p>

<p>I don’t see how I can put this on the UC application. I’m pretty sure they’re not Integrated Math 1,2,3. Maybe it counts as Advanced Mathematics? </p>

<p>Plus, it was Honors in the first semester and it moved into AP in the second semester.
Please help! Thank you in advance.</p>

<p>For each Grade, they let you add classes that are not listed.
It is at the very bottom of the page:
You have to select “I don’t see all of my courses.” option
Then, it will show you the Table to add information under “Add any courses you took that aren’t in the list above”</p>

<p>Should be “advanced mathematics” for any math more advanced than algebra 2 that is on the track to calculus. If your school is in California, you can verify the classification at <a href=“http://doorways.ucop.edu%5B/url%5D”>http://doorways.ucop.edu</a> .</p>

<p>Actually, I was aware of that feature and this question still remains.</p>

<p>H Math Analysis / AP Calc A - Now I can assume that this is an Advanced Mathematics. But should I put it as an Honor or AP class?</p>

<p>perhaps Ucbalumnus knows more about this.</p>

<p>Here is a suggestion:
If this class is taught in two semesters ( first semester: H Math analysis, and second semester: AP Calc A)), then you could give the appropriate designation ( H and AP).</p>