Uc app payment pending

I accidentally exited from the uc payment page. Now I have a payment pending notice so I have to wait 2-3 days for it to process. Can I pay after the submission date if I submitted the application already?

Yes you can pay later.

When’s the latest you can pay and will it affect admissions?

I would pay after 48 hour window opens again.


All you have to do is wait 48 hours, and then go back to the UC ‘View fees and payment’ page and make the payment.
Before 48 hours, the option to make the payment might not appear, so don’t get tensed up.

Remember, even if you applied on 30 November, (which means the 48th hour comes way after the deadline) DO NOT WORRY! It will in NO way negatively impact your submission.

And you will get an application submission confirmation email from UC, even if you face the problem.