UC app questions: what do i do if i took 7 classes and honors/ap freshman year?

<p>I am just starting to fill out my UC app. Yes I know, I'm super behind, but I just decided to apply last minute.</p>

<p>I am an OOS student. I took honors/ap courses my freshman year that most kids at my school take in 10th or 11th grade, but the instructions say the school doesn't count freshman honors classes. does this mean actual 9th grade honors classes or just all honors classes in general regardless of the fact that they aren't actually 9th grade classes?</p>

<p>and our school has 7 classes per semester, how do i add them on? the app only has room for 6...</p>

<p>Any classes taken in the 9th grade do not count toward your UC GPA. At the bottom of the page where you add courses for a year, you can enter additional classes.</p>

<p>If you attended a high school out of state, and UC has not designated your schools courses as “honors”, then its all moot anyways because they just count as normal courses (you could try explaining in additional comments). AP courses are still AP, but won’t count toward your GPA (they will be considered as part of comprehensive review, though.</p>

<p>List the extra courses under Additional a-g Coursework – it comes after Honors/Awards.</p>

<p>btw: for OOS apps, only AP/IB courses should be listed for Honors on the app (regardless of what your HS transcript shows).</p>

<p>really? under my high school name in the instructions. it says "Use lower-case letters and abbreviate course titles to 30 characters (i.e., “Critical Reasoning and Writing Literature” becomes “critical reas & writing lit”). Then select the honors status and term type from the dropdown menus. " The OOS instructions mention nothing about not allowing honors classes…</p>

<p>Also, you dont need to list them in additonal a-g course work. At the top of the page, instead of selecting all courses, select the subject area… you’ll get like 10 boxes just for social studies, science etc…</p>



<p>Agreed, the UC’s websites are miserably unclear on a lot of things, and in particular for OOS applicants. But, search cc fo UCDAdmisions (a real, live adcom)’ s/he clearly states that the bonus points are onlyawarded to IB/AP courses for OOS apps. Also, you can find it on the Counselor’s webpage under UC admissions.</p>

<p>do UCs weigh college concurrent enrollment credits?</p>

<p>^^as long as they are IGETC, yes, bonus points awarded.</p>

<p>well i know the credits are uc/csu transferable… what does igetc mean?</p>

<p>edit: nevermind, i found out ^</p>

<p>New question: [Welcome</a> to ASSIST](<a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”>Welcome to ASSIST) makes is seem like only community colleges in california have IGETC courses. How do I find out if stanford or carnegie mellon courses are IGETC?</p>

<p>just assume that Stanford and CM courses are transferable, and thus bonus points awarded.</p>

<p>so just to draw a conclusion: transferable courses will be awarded bonus points?</p>
