Uc app server?

<p>I have a friend who had the exact same problem and he could not submit his app. he called the office of admissions and they said “sorry, we said on our website that we recommend you submit your app as early as possible.”</p>

<p>If you haven’t submitted yet, you’re pretty much screwed.</p>

<p>F m l f m l!</p>

<p>With the budget situation as bad as it is already, there probably will be no amnesty for last-minutes. We’re done for! Let us say our goodbyes to this world!</p>

<p>Goodbye life! you were good to me!</p>

<p>This almost makes me not want to apply to UC. It shows how much they really care. Unfortunately I have already done both prompts…</p>

<p>Is anyone pulling an allnighter like I am in the hopes people will go to sleep and the servers will clear up?</p>

<p>Man, time to get out those red bulls in the garage. This is gonna be a long night for me…</p>

<p>@Soviet: Shakehands.</p>

<p>I am so happy I submitted this afternoon. My friend hasn’t submitted yet, so I’m getting worried for him. I hope it works out for all of you guys.</p>

<p>I reconmend just refreshing till it works again.</p>

<p>I submitted on the 27th and it crashed on me right as I was submitting. I called tech support and they said basically wait it out and thank god that it wasn’t the 30th. They said they have very little tech staff because the holiday break. </p>

<p>I ended up getting on that night to submit… if it makes you guys feel better I put the wrong billing address on my CC and forgot to submit a SAT II score… So yeah, I have to contact the UC’s anyways. Hopefully to get that taken care of…</p>

<p>Just keep refreshing!!! That’s what I did and it came back on.</p>

<p>I figured i would quit and go to bed (im east coast so i know all you cali guys are going to be whoring out those apps). And then try to apply as soon as i get up. My dad said it’s alright if I am late to school.</p>

<p>should we just kill ourselves?</p>

<p>Good luck Soviet. I’m not sure if the same goes for the UC’s but my teacher told me the CAL states will not be accepting applications late…</p>

<p>to Soviet- I totally agree. Things happen, including procrastination of course. But still. At least we didn’t have to spend money sending transcripts and SAT scores? It’s just like what, 10 hours my life gone (essay time). No biggie.,</p>

<p>In past years they have always extended the deadlines, let’s pray they do the same for you all this year :).</p>

<p>Technically, there should be no one online actually doing their apps. So in theory, the crash is caused by people continuously trying to get in. This means if these people stop, then the site will improve right? And the only time I can think this would happen is during the late night time.</p>

<p>Not only that, because people can’t get on, they’ll open more browsers and different computers to try and get on, thus elevating the problem.</p>

<p>yes let’s kill ourselves!</p>

<p>I think I’m going to end up staying up all night just to vigorously refresh the UC app page. Maybe I’ll get some physics homework done ._.
Really hope this clears up soon… Are all of you just as furiously frustrated as I am?
…I need some bubble wrap.</p>

<p>This isn’t fair! Damn, I just need to put my extra courses in and personal statement, darn.</p>

<p>Good Luck Guys, im off to bed. I suggest you guys just wait until there will be the least amount of traffic. That way the server won’t be accepting so many requests and getting overloaded.</p>