Uc app server?

<p>molecular toxicology?? idk. are you applying to uop’s amazing pharmacy program?</p>

<p>^ No. UCR, UCM, UCSB, UCI.</p>

<p>Which schools are the best for a biology major? I keep hearing conflicting bits of information.</p>

<p>oh, man i still have to do homework after this. i need to stop procrastinating -__-</p>

<p>I finally got in. I was stupid and didn’t press the exception button when Mozilla blocked it for not being secure. Good luck for those who are trying.</p>

<p>OMG >.< ima friggin a hole. i was like refreshing every second…thanks for letting me know to press exception.</p>

<p>Erm, on my transcript, it shows that “Humanities” appears twice, as it was 2 periods, but 1 class.
So basically my transcript looks like:</p>

<p>Humanities — Grade
Algebra 3/4-Grade

<p>So how am I supposed to input this on my UC Application? It says that</p>

<h2>“! Enter each course only once.” </h2>

<p>Ugh, and would Ceramics and Intro to Fit fit under “other than a-g?”</p>

<p>wouldnt ceramics be an art, so it should be a-g i think? you can double check… i would list humanities once if you have the same grade in both periods and explain in additional comments</p>

<p>My son just submitted his UC application at 11:55pm PST. The server had been down for awhile. It came back on and he managed to complete the application and submit it. Don’t take any chances to wait until the last minute. Every year it crashes because so many people are trying to submit at the last minute. My other son submitted his mid-November and had no server problems or anything. Good luck to all!</p>

<p>Is this **** gonna crash again??? I wanna submit in the morning…</p>

<p>gnight justsubmitted</p>

<p>I just submitted too. But I still have to do my ap chem hw -sigh-</p>

<p>Wow it’s so fast right now…congrats to those who submitted! Too bad it’s not going to be fast tomorrow…</p>

<p>Wooooo submitted! SO EXCITED! This is my first app!</p>

<p>International student here btw (Italy).</p>

<p>Seems to be down again.</p>

<p>It’s been down for the past hour and a half. Does the UC system accept slightly late apps? I was unaware that this happens every year.</p>

<p>lol wow your the ones that waited till the last minute when you KNEW that the UC server will guarantee crash due to the 50k+ apps they are getting. </p>

<p>haha suckuhhhsss</p>

<p>It was working from 5:30 to 6:30 PST, then down till 7. Now it seems to be working again, but very sluggishly.</p>

<p>it’s not working.</p>

<p>"lol wow your the ones that waited till the last minute when you KNEW that the UC server will guarantee crash due to the 50k+ apps they are getting.</p>

<p>haha suckuhhhsss "</p>

<p>you can’t even differentiate “you’re” from “your”. doubt you’ll be getting into YOUR choice UC.</p>