Uc app server?

<p>It’s working, just very slow. I’m finally up to Spring 2007 in my academic history.</p>

<p>wow, i’ve been on trying to fill out my last little piece of my transcript for the last 5 hours. This is not going well at all for me. Could be being outside of CA be a problem? People seem to be getting theirs in. My internet is fine but right now the application is really annoying me.</p>

<p>Still on Spring 2007. It’s just one class, but the page won’t submit.</p>

<p>looks like im in for a loooooong night. its already 1130 here and so far im “submitting” although it probably will disconnect me again, my sophomore year classes.</p>

<p>After fighting for 3 hours, the app has finally submitted!</p>

<p>*breathes again</p>

<p>I think I’m going to cry it’s not letting me submit I’ve been trying for 4 hours</p>

<p>Do they extend the deadline when the server messes up?</p>

<p>Also i forgot to put a comma after i used parenthesis should i try to fix it or just try to submit the app
do colleges get nit picky when you make gramatical errors on your app?</p>

<p>I finally got one more page knocked out, but I still have 2 years of academic history to input. I swear I’d be done in 10 minutes or less if the website let me.</p>

<p>oops i meant after i used quotations***</p>

<p>lesa, if i were you, i might as well submit the app because just getting it in today would be lucky in my opinion. I THINK i may have gotten my 10th grade grades finally in. Only 9th and 10th grade have taken 5 hours so far. I guess its gonna be a long night, already almost midnight where i am on east coast.</p>

<p>what the heck the website won’t let me do anything it just keeps loggin me off</p>

<p>So is it somewhat working for you guys, because I keep getting an error page</p>

<p>Al, are you reading any of our posts?</p>

<p>yeah i get that page too, its so fun, seeing it over and over and over and over and over again for the last 5 hours of my life. I also have this huge English test tomorrow that pretty much decides my 2nd Q english grade</p>

<p>Yes, you said you got a page done, someone else is saying they can’t do anything… so I’m wondering what’s going on exactly</p>

<p>al, we are all having the same problems :frowning: its alright, im just as ****ed off right now as anyone here. This is the most epic waste of time ever. Ive considered just giving up applying since its only UCLA im applying to, but ive already gone 6 hours adding my transcript so might as well finish up.</p>

<p>will the uc give an extention on the deadline or should i just say goodbye to my dreams of going to a uc?</p>

<p>from what i hear, they extend the deadline pretty often, usually by 1-2 days. But, if i were you, i wouldn’t give up till 12PST, or 3EST here just to see if u can actually make it in by then, just in case they don’t. You can’t always count on being lucky.</p>

<p>i got to to the final boss(Submit application for UC Admission) and got disconnected twice. FMLLLL. This better work this time. NVM. FINALLY!!! Submitted in and now receipt. Now to AP Econ studying. Good luck to all of you who are still trying.</p>

<p>thanks :/, at first, i was like screw the transcript, and went straight for glory, but it disconnected me right after i put in my Credit Card. Epic Fail. At least its kinda goingish now.</p>

<p>Getting disconnected twice is nothing. I’ve probably been logged out a dozen times and timed out well over 50 times.</p>