UC application adding class help!

<p>Hi for UC app Academic part do put in all the class i took? for example geography, earth science, health. also is AP american history same as AP US history? and what is regular american government class called? oh and i took korean 2 for speakers but there is no korean 2 for speakers on the list? does this mean i’m not going to get extra year in foreign launguage for taking for speakers??</p>

<p>Include all the a-g academic courses, so not health nor PE. If you are instate, you can look up your HS courses here:</p>

<p>[University</a> of California Doorways Home](<a href=“http://www.ucop.edu/doorways/]University”>http://www.ucop.edu/doorways/)</p>

<p>AP American History is the same as AP U.S. History. A regular govt class would be U.S. Government. If your class is not on the list, you can add it on the bottom of the coursework popup window where they have blank spaces for you to fill in with the class information. So you’re not going to lose your 2nd year of language.</p>

<p>thank you very much</p>