UC Application Discussion Fall 2023 and new extended Submission period

Thanks everyone for the helpful answers above on the “applying to 1 specific campus” question.

Based on our research for doing the UC application, it was often recommended to focus on qualities important to the schools you want to apply for. For instance, UCLA’s website says this: “All UCLA students possess a certain set of traits — among them curiosity, optimism, drive, compassion, creativity and a deep desire to improve the world around them.” So you could tailor the PIQs to focus on those qualities without ever mentioning UCLA specifically.


I’m going to stick this question in this thread and hope that a few people see it (I don’t really feel like starting a full thread for this one question!):

Does anyone know how to know for sure if the UCs have gotten your FAFSA application? We applied back in January, and because D23 had a combination of private schools plus UCs and CSUs that numbered more than the 10 institutions that can fit in the list, we had to do that thing where you put in 10 schools, submit, and then come back later to remove the earlier schools and put in new names.

We can tell from some of her portals for the private schools that they have received the FAFSA forms. But for the UCs I’m not sure there is a way to verify that? Or am I missing something? She keeps getting “remember to apply by the March 2nd deadline!” reminder emails from all the campuses, but I don’t think that means anything as I’m sure those go to everybody. But is there a way to make sure each campus has gotten the form?

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We have submitted as well and keep getting the same emails. So I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.


OK thanks. I’m just going to assume all is well :grinning:

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That always worries us too. If FA decision is a determining factor in committing to a school after acceptances are released, it helps to call the school and tell them so. For example, I remember 4 years ago when we didn’t get anything from UFlorida. I had to call them directly.

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Update on 2023 Decision Dates:
UCB: Early admits Feb 9, 2023. All other decisons March 30, 2023 confirmed
UCSB: March 21, 2023 confirmed
UCSC: Early admits Feb 27, 2023
UCM: Rolling admits March 1, 2023
UCR: Rolling admits March 1, 2023


What is DE?

Dual enrollment—high school students taking courses for credit at a community college

Thanks! Please let me ask another questions.

  1. My D took an art course at CC in one summer to fulfill for UC visual art requirement. When you calculate her GPA with this credit (earned an A), do you add this as one semester grade or as two since it is equivalent to one year long art course of high school?

  2. I understand that only sophomore and junior grades are counted to calculate for UC capped GPA. How about UC “non capped” GPA? Do you only count sophomore and junior grades or freshman grades are also counted?


If she took the CC course and it is UC transferable, 1 CC semester grade is reported on the UC application and she gets 1 extra Honors point in the UC GPA calculation if it was taken the summer after 9th grade through the summer prior to 12th grade. 1 semester CC course equals a year course so it would fulfill the VPA requirement.

I understand that only sophomore and junior grades are counted to calculate for UC capped GPA. How about UC “non capped” GPA? Do you only count sophomore and junior grades or freshman grades are also counted?

For the 3 UC GPA’s: Unweighted, Capped weighted and Fully weighted, only A-G courses taken the summer after 9th through the summer prior to 12th will be used in the GPA calculation. 9th grade A-G courses are reviewed for completion and for HS course rigor while 12th grade courses are reviewed for continued HS course rigor.

For the UC’s you self report all courses and grades. Mid-year Senior grades/transcripts are not accepted and final transcripts for both HS and College courses are due after the student enrolls at a specific UC with a deadline of July.

Amazingly your answers covered all my questions - thank you so much

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Is there a pecking order or priority between Statewide and ELC, my son got a Statewide messaage on the portal but not an ELC one. His school does not rank but they do participate in the ELC and he received a letter earlier in summer about being in the top 15% of his school and another one from the UC system about being a top student. Will we ever know if he is top 9% ELC as well, in addition to statewide.

This is a thread for Fall 2023 admissions.

I suggest you post a follow up to your question on the ELC/Statewide Guarantee thread.