UC Application Help

Hello, I have some questions in regards to college apps (specifically in Extracurricular section of the University of California).

  1. Do these following count as extracurricular activities?
    -Aiding grandparents at home
    -Help family with chores
    -Web development (for leisure)
    -Basketball (at home by myself)
    -Reading online papers (for leisure)
    -Stock market analysis (for leisure)
    -Architecture in Minecraft (for leisure)
    -Social Media

  2. I sell stuff on eBay and manage my seller account. I have made over $500. Does that count as a job/work experience?


What do you do on social media? Do you write a blog or just spend time conversing with your friends?

I would put aiding you grandparents and clubs on the EC list.

Doing chores at home is something every kid does.

You can incorporate your Web development, Stock market analysis and money management into one of UC essays, so I really only see the above two as truly EC’s.

Quality over quantity when it comes to EC’s.

you are the arbiter of what counts… just be aware that you be asked to prove your claims.
good luck

Thanks! What about the eBay job? Would that count?

what part of ‘you are the arbiter of what counts’ is ambiguous?

if you think it is significant - it is. just be ready to validate any claims you make.

On the application it asks for the organization name. If it is aiding grandparents at home, what would it be?

you can use their family name

I forgot to say that it was my grandparents I was taking care of. Do I use my family name since their’s is the same as mine?

I think all of those count. The UC app EC section is extensive. They give you lots of opportunities to explain how you spend your time and what interests you have. Do you have any leadership positions or significant interests? The app will let you strut your stuff. Use it as a place to do just that. Leave out the more mundane stuff that everyone does.

So, would you say that helping my grandparents is something I should put on there, or is it mundane? If so, what organization should I put down?

Also, for 3 years (through high school), I am a leader of an online video game clan and as the leader, I organize events for the group. Would that count because it’s online and not physical interaction?

that’s your call entirely. Not everyone takes care of their aging grandparents.