UC Application-internships

<p>When entering activities on the UC app, which category should you put internships under if they’re unpaid? Extracurricular activities, community service, work experience, or other?</p>

<p>bump! i have the same question.
also, where do we put summer schools that we have attended? </p>

<p>answers are much appreciated, thanks!</p>

<p>Bump - I really hope this question can be answered!</p>

<p>Bumping again, I reread through the UC application help guide, and this isn’t listed on it…</p>

<p>My friend put his unpaid internship under community service last time.</p>

<p>There isn’t an incorrect place to put internships. Please place any activity under the best option you believe it fits. Unpaid internships can be placed under employment (although we are typically looking for paid employment in this section), Volunteer Work/Community Service or Activities.</p>

<p>Summer coursework should be added as an institution you have attended just like your regular high school or community college. Just mark the dates of attendance for the summer term.</p>

<p>what is the difference if we put the unpaid internship under “Activities” or “Community Service”?</p>

<p>Put it under Community Service if you were doing a service to some part of your community, activity if it was personal enrichment. Of course there’s overlap, adcoms know that. When in doubt put it in CS if it fits.</p>