UC Application Online

I have a question about the latest UC Application online (opened up on August 1, 2021). In the grades drop down menu, it gives students the option to select Pass/No Pass for classes taken between Spring 2020 to Summer 2021. My son has one C in the Spring 2020 term (ie when schools were transitioning to online due to Covid). His High School transcript reflects this C. Should he choose P in the drop down menu since it gives him that option or must he put down the C that his transcript reflects for Spring 2020?

Is this up to him?

He needs to report exactly how the course grade is listed on his HS transcript since he is self reporting, so he reports the C. If the application information does not match his final transcript, this will be an issue when it comes time to enroll and matriculate to any of the UC’s.

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You might be able to ask the HS to switch but, no question you do need to reflect what’s on the transcript.

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My son and I are having a hard time trying to figure out where to put his Art classes. He took Health and 1 semester of Fundamentals of Art the summer before starting 9th grade. We keep on getting errors- On the transcript it shows the 2017-2018 academic year, but if we put that as the start of high school it gives us an error (plus it looks like he’s been in high school 5 years).

He took summer school again to finish Fund. of Art B summer after his freshman year.

Also- it seems we don’t have to add Health?

Health is not an a-g course so it should not be included on the UC application.

Classes taken the summer prior to 9th grade should go under 9th grade level.

Thank you so much.

@Gumbymom, just logged into my D22’s UC application portal. I don’t see place to enter GPAs (unweighted, capped and weighted). Does UC system calculate GPAs based on the self-reported grades/GPA?

The UC’s do calculate all three GPA’s based on the inputted grades so very important to make sure everything is correct.

Here is the calculator if you want to check the GPA’s: GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub

Thanks for the quick response. Yes we used rogerhub to calculate the GPAs before. I’ll doubly make sure, all the coursework are entered correctly.

On the UC application itself, do we enter the unweighted letter grade from the high school transcript? And then will the UC schools will calculate their weighted grade themselves?

You enter in the course grade listed on your transcript (A,B,C etc.) and then select if it is a Regular/Honors/AP/IB from the drop down. The weighted GPA will be determined based on these selections by the UC’s.

Does your transcript only have weighted Grades listed?

Thank you so much for your quick reply! So on my daughter’s transcript, it lists her weighted GPA as calculated by our high school, and the unweighted GPA right next to it. So would we then use the unweighted GPA?

On the UC application, you do not enter any GPA but just the course grades listed on the transcript with the proper course selection of Regular, Honors (in-state CA), AP or IB.