UC Application questions regarding courses

<p>Question No.1:</p>

<p>I am an international student in Canada, and the school system here in British Columbia is slightly different than California’s. </p>

<p>We have 8 courses in one grade, but there are only seven slots for each grade in the application. What should I do? Also, where to put courses that were taken in Summer School?</p>

<p>Question No.2:
My situation is kinda strange too. I completed Grade 9 in China, and came to Canada to continue my Grade 10. Therefore I DO NOT have Grade 9 courses here. Do I simply omit the Grade 9 courses section, or do I put in the courses I took back in China for Gr.9?</p>

<p>Thank you very much.</p>

<p>Question 3:</p>

<p>There are two semesters in one school year in B.C. However, the two semesters have totally different schedules. For example, if I take Math 12 in the first semester, then when the first semester ends the grade I get for Math 12 is the FINAL grade. Then Math 12 is done. No more. It will not appear in Semester 2.</p>

<p>If this is the case, do I select "Full" or "Semester" for my school?</p>

<p>1) Either "Add" your HS a second time (for the 8th class), or list it in Other a-g courses in section 6. Summer courses taken after Soph year go on Jr year list. Summer courses taken after Jr year go on Jr year list. (Dunno about summer courses taken after Frosh year.)</p>

<p>2) Add your Chinese HS.</p>

<p>3) Full. Your schedule is what's called a "block" schedule which some Calif high schools use.</p>

<p>"Either "Add" your HS a second time (for the 8th class), or list it in Other a-g courses in section 6. "</p>

<p>I couldn't do that, the system tells me "You cannot indicate more than one school as your current or most recent school. "</p>

<p>and the courses I took were indeed a-g courses...</p>

<p>and for summer school, can I just make a school list for it?</p>

<p>never mind, i think i get it. You don't select "ALL" when you input courses.</p>

<p>but I do have Question 4 :P</p>

<p>Say how do you catagorize courses like PE, Info Tech or Work Experience? Do we put them into "Other a-g courses" in section 6? Or you just DON'T put such courses there because they don't belong to the a-g courses?</p>

<p>bump bump. same question as kira. </p>

<p>also, if I attended Cornell summer school, do I list that in my educational history?</p>

<p>same here…
do we have to put the non-AG courses and summer classes on the academic history</p>

<p>… "how do you catagorize courses like PE, Info Tech or Work Experience? Do we put them into “Other a-g courses” in section 6? Or you just DON’T put such courses there because they don’t belong to the a-g courses? "</p>