UC application reporting of 0-2 unit classes

Why am I unable to add zero credit courses into my UC application when it says that I have to input all the classes I took. So what I did was I explained my situation in the additional comments available. Is that ok?

Yes, that is what my son did in his application. He had taken some 1-unit courses that weren’t eligible to be entered in the classes area, so he listed the details in the additional comments.


Thank you so much! I thought I was the only one doing it.

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Hello again, so I have an issue here regarding the application. I got accepted to a few UCs and I have always been one of those paranoid students. Although my grades and everything have met up the conditions, however I was looking back at my UC application and I just can’t help but notice that one of the name of the classes I inputted was missing a letter. This was was a 0 credit class, and since I was unable to input a 0 credit class in the academic history, I decided to put it in the additional comments. Like what was mentioned previously, since one of the class name was inputted incorrectly, will I get rescinded? Some of my friends say that it shouldn’t a be a big problem since it is a 0 credit class anyways, but me having a paranoid personality, I just wanna be sure.

No, you will not be rescinded for a spelling error on a 0 unit course. If it makes you feel better, email admissions regarding the error and keep the documentation.

But what if UCB does not have an email? Do I just call them?

In your student portal, do you have a contact form you can fill out? Or try this link:


We do have it, but none of the choices correlates to my situation. The choices were either that I am unable to fulfill the conditions or I am having difficulties on submitting my transcripts/documents.

Do I just pick a choice that I am having difficulty submitting my final transcript/document?

I really wouldn’t worry about a 1 letter difference in the name of a class, as long as a reasonable person would be able to match the two names.

Class names can also appear slightly differently in the online class system and unofficial transcript (that is given to kids for their planning), vs. the official year-end transcript issued to colleges. For example, my son has shortened class names like AP-AMERGOVNT and AP-CALCULS BC on his unofficial transcript. He has no way to know exactly how these class names will be spelled on his official year-end transcript. When applying for colleges, he spelled out the names of the classes completely (AP American Government, AP Calculus BC, etc), and he will just trust that admissions will be able to figure it out when they get his final transcript.

A student would want to contact admissions if the typo would have made a meaningful difference (for example, if a student wrote AP Calculus BC, when they actually took AP Calculus AB). However for a 0 unit class, I doubt there is any scenario where it could possibly matter.


Thank you so much for letting me know!