UC Application "Second Language Spoken" Mistake?

I submitted my UC application earlier today, and was just reviewing when I noticed that I may have made a mistake! :frowning:
On the About You, Personal Information section, it asks you to put in the languages that you speak. My native language is Serbian, so I put that in for ā€œFirst Spoken Languageā€, but I never saw an option to add in a second language. I didnā€™t want to put ā€œEnglish and another languageā€ as my ā€œFirst Spoken Languageā€ because I technically didnā€™t learn English until I was 5, so it counts as a second language instead of first. But now my application has ā€œFirst Spoken Language: Other:Serbianā€, while the ā€œSecond Spoken Languageā€ box is blank!
I mean, it must be implied that I do speak English, and I even mentioned in one of my personal insight responses that I speak four languages including English, but would this mistake hurt my chances of admission? I donā€™t want them to think that I donā€™t speak English since I was not able to list it as my second language. :((((

Theyā€™ll probably notice it, and realize it (assuming you wrote your essay in English).

If youā€™re really that worried about it, contact the admissions office and inform them of it. I donā€™t think itā€™ll ruin your application, though.


Youā€™re at a US hs, dont think theyā€™ll know youā€™re comfortable in English?