UC Application?

Is it suspicious to have over 2000 hours across 4 years in volunteer community service for UC Application? I actually did over 2000 hours and put it on my application and can verify the hours but do you think that they would think it is BS/Not believe me and it is too much for a person to do I talked all about the volunteering in my UC essays? Thanks If you had over 2000 hours tell me too. People are telling me that over 2000 hours over 4 years is too much.

That’s 10 hours/week, 50 weeks/year. Or full-time in the summers with supporting hours during the year. It’s possible if you were extremely committed to a particular program or programs. For example, maybe you were a volunteer summer staff at a scout camp. I could see ways you could get those hours.

If you talked about it in the essays and truly did the hours, I think you would be fine.

You did the time, it’s fine. Hopefully you have lots of other good stuff in your app as well to make a compelling case that you will be a valued contributor to the UC community.