UC application

For UC applications and other you have to report your extracurriculars based on their organization. Like you say hours/week, weeks per year, and number of years. I was just confused what to write for activities that had different amount of hours each year. Like for a competition I went to nationals in 10th and 11th and not 9th. Also, how would you report you hours if it was consecutive days (4 days on a trip/conference). How many hours of those trip do you include.
Finally, if I apply start of 12th grade, do I still check the boxes that say 12th grade as in I will continue this.

Here is a link to help with filling out the UC application including the activities section. The instructions are pretty straight forward and if you plan to continue with an EC in 12th grade, you would check the box.


For the awards sections could you include expected awards that you will obtain if you continue certain activities throughout 12th grade (for example, Spanish Honor Society awards, NHS awards, Math honor society, CSF qualifiers)?