UC Applications Completed Thread

<p>=D done w/ app =D</p>

<p>finally finished mine last night around 11 pm. yay!</p>

<p>d is finally done and submitted around 8 pm last night. Glad she made it before the server crashed! </p>

<p>The essays and choosing schools/majors were a bit painful. Applied to UCB (top choice), also UCSC, UCSD, UCLA,UCSB, UCD and UCI in order of preference. WAnts to do marine bio/environmental stuff.</p>

<p>Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>The application was a breeeeeeze. I love being able to complete it quickly, by myself.</p>

<p>Anyway, submitted to UC Berkeley and UCLA. Hoping for Berkeley.</p>

<p>Just finished! (way to be last minute!)</p>

<p>finished at like 9 tonight although i think i made a big mistake and it will hurt me big time. :-/ i'll just have to see</p>

<p>sent as of 11/28 6:30 AM</p>

<p>Finished UC's a few days ago. Applying to Berkeley and LA as matches, UCSD as match/safety, and UCSB as safety. Now to do the super-reach private schools. :(</p>

<p>Sent my application in at 2:30. What a relief. Yet I'm kind of nervous.</p>

<p>Sent mine in a little over an hour ago. Finally! </p>

<p>Now I have to study for Math IIC for this Saturday :(</p>

<p>The Application wasn't a breeze... I spent hours on those essays. They were so broad... Everything else was pretty easy tho.</p>

<p>^ yeah, the broadness of the essays gave me a hard time because I wasn't sure what exactly they were looking for. BUt I loved the fact there was no Teacher recs, I don't know, I don't like my teachers.hah.</p>

<p>Me too! I'm such an idiot. I'm asking for recs tomorrow. :( Way to procrastinate.</p>

<p>WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I feel great!!! clicking submit button..sorry am just excited that all...</p>

<p>What majors did you all apply for? I noticed a lot of undeclared in other posts.</p>

<p>Sent mine in last night 10 p.m. Applied to UCB, UCLA and UCI.</p>

<p>The app was a breeze?! It's my first app, so I checked it, rechecked it and re-rechecked it before submitting about a million times. Although I have to admit, it is a huge relief!</p>

<p>Electrical Engineering</p>

<p>I'm done! Well, as of 5:15 this afternoon. I wouldn't have waited so long if it hadn't been for my uncle taking forever to suggest a million changes on my essay that I didn't want to make.</p>

<p>Anyway, I'm so happy to finish! That is, with public school apps...</p>

<p>I put down Psychology for all, and English as alternate major for most.</p>

<p>wait wasn't the deadline 12:00AM today? How did u turn it in this afternoon?</p>

<p>The deadline is 11:59 PM tonight. :)</p>