UC Art Credit

Hi everyone,
I’ve got a weird situation going on with my art credits in high school. My freshman year, I had to take one semester of Freshman Seminar and one semester of Choir. I transferred schools my sophomore year, and this school requires me to take another semester of art and a semester of computers to graduate. By the end of high school, I will have one semester of Choir and one semester of Guitar. Will the UC school system count these two classes as a full year of one “art” because they are both musically related? I read all the information the UC website provides about this requirement and it’s not very helpful about unique situations like this. Does anyone know much about the UC policy? I wish I could just take a full year of art my senior year but I already have signed up for 6 APs and I still have to do this freshman computers class. :((

You need 2 semesters of the same Visual/Performance art course. Will you have 2 semesters of Choir? Or just 1 semester? You can replace Guitar with another semester of Choir? Could you take an on-line art class such as Art History? I would check with your counselor if you are unable to fit in a full year of VPA. You may have just drop one of the AP’s.

An FYI: You do not need 6 AP classes your Senior year to get into a UC. UC’s do not even consider Senior year grades in their admissions decisions, only your HS rigor which will be fine with 4-5 AP’s.

@Gumbymom I was just curious. I don’t have any particular UC schools that I’m looking into and there’s so many other college opportunities out there that I may just forget about the art issue. UC’s are the only schools I’ve researched so far that have that requirement. Thank you for your help!

Good luck to you.

I do know there are few more universities out there that require a year of art, but unfortunately do not have a list.