UC art requirements question

My son, a senior, is going to apply to UCB and UCLA (out of state). He took one semester of Digital Arts class and was going to take the second semester in spring of this year. Unfortunately, his schedule doesn’t allow him to take both this and a concurrent enrollment math class which he strongly prefers. Looking for a solution, we found that our district has an online photography class he could take. As I understand, UC allows two semesters of different classes from the same discipline, so this seems to be satisfying the requirements. However, his counselor said UC will still prefer two semesters of the same class, and this can hurt his application. This sounds weird to me. Do you think this really can be a problem? He has top grades and scores, very good ECs, and is planning to major in math, so I find it hard to believe an art class will make a difference.
We might also need to consider a possibility that the photography class won’t be offered in spring. Can UC waive the requirements sometimes from out-of-state students?

UC’s do not waive the requirements for OOS students but they will not automatically reject him based on this one requirement. I however caution you that since UCB/UCLA are highly competitive, they will have plenty of OOS applicants that are able to meet the requirement.

There are other ways to fulfill the requirement:
Visual and performing arts

UC-approved high school courses:

One yearlong course of visual and performing arts chosen from the following disciplines: dance, drama/theater, music, interdisciplinary arts or visual art — or two one-semester courses from the same discipline is also acceptable.

AP or IB Examination:

Score of 3, 4 or 5 on the AP History of Art, Studio Art or Music Theory Exam;
score of 5, 6 or 7 on any one IB HL exam in Dance, Film, Music, Theatre Arts or Visual Arts

College courses:

Grade of C or better in any transferable course of 3 semester (4 quarter) units that clearly falls within one of four visual/performing arts disciplines: dance, drama/theater, music or visual art

Check this link for more information: http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-berkeley/1945423-urgent-a-g-out-of-state-predicament.html#latest

More information:

@gumbymom is, as always, a font of knowledge about UC. But a couple of points to clarify:

They need to be the same discipline. A semester of visual arts and a semester of photography meets that requirement.

But be aware, from the OP, that this is not considered an acceptable reason:

Requirements always trump preferences. Good luck.

in my experience - the a-g requirements are the first screen for all of the CSUs and UCs. As an OOS applicant, if your son doesn’t meet one of them, they will essentially toss the ap into the NO pile without reading further.

Most other states and virtually all privates are more flexible.

But it’s not true that two different semester classes from the same discipline are worse than one two-semester class?

No, not true.

Correct;it’s not true.

Agree - needs to be the same discipline. kinda like it needs to be the same foreign language.

The right semester long CC course would probably check the box.

Next question:
Are you okay with paying non-resident tuition of $65K per year? Remember these are public universities of California.
No state funding for non-residents.

My kids were going for STEM related majors and also played varsity sports making that art requirement somewhat problematical. Meeting the 2 high school semesters of that art requirement was accomplished by taking a one semester photography class at the local CC. My son ended up at CalPolySLO so used the CC class as the HS art requirement. My daughter went to an east coast private school and was able to get the photography class units applied to her college general ed requirements.

@“aunt bea” - yes, we’re OK with it for the top few public schools.