<p>Chinese Descent although I do not speak fluent chinese and read at about a 1st grade level.<br>
<p>4.0 uw gpa so far 4.41 weighted (ap bio, calc bc, comp sci, honors pre cal, honors chem)
sat math iic 800 sat chinese 800 sat bio 800 might take physics for an easy 800
sat i terrible ( I plan on retaking. Should get a 2300+ this time. I was pretty sick yesterday and the session was pretty loud)
not many aps only 3 after junior year. (Did not take APUSH. I abhor america and would prefer not to listen to its hypocritical rhetoric)</p>
<p>Mediocre ECs
President of Go Club (go=the game with black and white stones)
I have volunteered at the library 2 hours a week for 6 months so far.
Volunteered at a place that helps needy people for 60 hours.
Peer tutor at school.</p>
<p>i mean, your grades and SATs are great, but your ECs are paltry and your attitude is horrible. "might take physics for an easy 800." "i abhor america." don't you think colleges get enough perfect grade, math and science-oriented, obnoxious-as hell Chinese applicants? do you really think they want you?</p>
<p>"I abhor america and would prefer not to listen to its hypocritical rhetoric"
the only reason I took apush is because its way easier than regular us history</p>
<p>chaudoinker, i think he said he's of chinese descent, but yeah, he should go to china anyway if he hates america so much. there are plenty of reasons to hate americans, including our leaders both past and current, but to lump it all together and say "i abhor america so i don't have to know its history" is just stupid.</p>
<p>In response to madeinusa's "insightful" observations, did I ever say I shouldn't learn American history? I enjoy the topic, and I have had an excellent US history teacher in 8th grade. At my school, however, APUSH is basically a class that teaches a whitewashed version of history. In fact, I feel that I know too much about US history already. Like the average APUSH student, I realize that FDR's New Deal was an attempt to revitalize the economy and prevent further trading scandals, but I also realize that FDR's New Deal greatly expanded presidential powers. Although the New Deal helped maintain the arts through the depression and attempted to deal with unemployment(18% when Roosevelt was seeking his second term), it also allowed good old GW Bush to "enforce" the "law" by spying on potential "terrorists" and put forth unfunded mandates such as No Child Left Behind which strains state budgets and forces districts to lower standards to make it appear as if our children are getting smarter or risk further loss of money. I doubt that any APUSH student at my school would realize that.</p>
<p>btw I thought modern America was supposed to welcome diversity. Shouldn't someone madeinusa know taht?</p>
<p>That is quite teh fallacy you are claiming there.
Do not agree with policies of Bush-> hate america?
Maybe I should clarify my dislike. I like the culture and most of the people.
I like the big meals and large cokes, but I do not like the system.
Politics is controlled by the rich. Sure, anyone can run, but can anyone
without a huge financial background win? Advertising costs money and
not everyone has that. The system is also very inefficient. Decisions take
a long time to make, and rarely deal with what the common man wants.
Our bipartisan system also results in some pretty corrupt practices.
Look up gerrymandering. That is not a democratic practice. America is not democratic, but rather a medieval republic. republic orginally meant rule by teh rich. and I am not a liberal. I associate myself with conservative values.</p>
<p>This is asinine. Criticize the U.S. system all you want, but very few of the systems of the 200+ countries on this planet are much better. And most are far, far worse.</p>
<p>hear hear, jpps1, i'm a bleeding heart liberal in every sense (even pres of my school's young dems) and the madeinusa name is not meant to be ignorantly patriotic, as aruubato and most everyone else assumes. </p>
<p>i haven't actually taken us history yet, but your account of the New Deal strikes me as a little simplistic. i do not believe for one second that the New Deal gives Bush justification for his unwarranted spying. I think Bush would do everything he does with or without such justifications. Maybe you should have qualified in your original post that you don't want to take us history because your school teaches it poorly. That way, you wouldn't have come off as a total jackass. </p>
<p>Or, if you were adventurous, you would have taken the class and challenged your teacher's asinine views. I'm sure you're smart enough to do that.</p>
<p>Favored Strategy of Asian Parents: Make their kids do ridiculous amounts of homework and tests in order to provide them with high grades and SAT scores. A cookies-go-with-milk philosophy: Ivies are academically the best, therefore the child must be academically flawless.</p>
<p>Fallacy: There is a valedictorian at every school in this country. Every perfect-SAT taker will apply to the Ivy League. What makes you original? Being a machine proves nothing. Anyone can yield amazing grades if they work on it ruthlessly. The truly intelligent, bright, clever ones are those who can manage their time, enjoy themselves and experience a wide variety of what life has to offer, do well in classes because they are performing at their natural intellectual level, and be able to, by means of not being a robot, develop their own identity, their own stories and personal convictions that will eventually result in men and women of character AND ability. This is what high-powered schools are really looking for.</p>