<p>Then don't go to American schools. Try a chinese university maybe.</p>
<p>don't worry, this guy won't ever get into these schools.</p>
<p>ECs = blah
SAT = mystery
Refusal to take AP US</p>
<p>If your school offers alot of APs and you just took 3, then gl mate :(</p>
<p>falrapax, i agree with you entirely, but the whole problem is conveying your "own stories and personal convictions" that will make you stand out from the robot losers. i think this is why essays are increasingly important: they distinguish the truly original and creative minds from the grade-grubbers.</p>
<p>I believe I have mentioned that I have taken all the APs I can take at my school other than ap stats(offered next year, but I already have taken a similar class), music theory(cannot play an instrument), and apush (White males are so easily offended by the slightest criticism of the US)</p>
<p>what's your SAT score?</p>
<p>Dude, name one country where wealth doesn't help in politics. What a tool. And gerrymandering? That's the biggest problem you have with our nation...wow, sorry, just wow.</p>
<p>Your ignorance is appalling. Yeah just wow! Stupidity can be so clearly visible even online. I merely listed gerrymandering as an example of a corrupt practice.</p>
<p>show me where gerrymandering is a problem</p>
<p>oh I forgot, it's everywhere in the US. Just like the Communist and the king of England.</p>
<p>Yeah, I am pretty stupid I guess. I wish I could go to some of the colleges you are applying to, I guess I'm just jealous but I just don't see gerrymandering as the nation's defining problem...sorry. </p>
<p>"Your ignorance is appalling"</p>
<p>Somehow I think you just used that example to sound smart. Just like saying "appalling" Lol, you really are a pretentious tool who takes odd stances to stand out. I hate people like you.</p>
<p>Hahahahahahaha. Bingo, bongo.</p>
<p>While we Americans welcome diversity, we do not welcome those who "abhor" this fine country. With all of its faults, America still stands as the greatest country on the face of the earth. And if you don't like it, I suggest you go back to politically-communist China.</p>
<p>England has no king. Gerrymandering is illegal in most countries including China.</p>
<p>"I think you just used that example to sound smart." bongo </p>
<p>btw in case you didn't know gerrymandering is the same thing as redistricting. Candidates redraw district lines to maximize votes for their party. </p>
<p>Anyways, if you think gerrymandering is an unknown political practice, you are quite mistaken. Most politically educated people are aware that it happens in some form or another in their district.</p>
<p>"I suggest you go back to politically-communist China." kafka89
Are you related to Senator McCarthy by any chance?</p>
<p>Thank you for defining gerrymandering when no one asked you.</p>
<p>Also, thank you for poiting out that England has no king...it was a joke, get it? A joke- (definition) humerous; causes a sensation in you stomach that causes you to fall down giggeling; causes laughter
Only people with common sense know what that is</p>
<p>And dude, isn't China communist...how is it relevant to gerrymandering</p>
<p>And you still haven't given me an example of how gerrymandering is a problem...news article please :)</p>
er...humerous? Never knew of such a word.</p>
<p>Not that I agree with everything aruubato said, either, but I do get what he's saying about their whitewashing everything in APUSH. My teacher for 2nd semester was like that, especially during the Cold War. But no, I don't think he should have said that stuff about hating America...</p>
<p>"Our bipartisan system also results in some pretty corrupt practices.
Look up gerrymandering. That is not a democratic practice. America is not democratic, but rather a medieval republic."
- so what the hell are you going to do about it?
Try living a year in a ****ant country like North Korea</p>
<p>I can understand how aruubato thinks gerrymandering is our defining problem. None of the other problems Bush has caused would even exist had Katharine Harris and Jeb Bush not gerrymandered the election (I don't want to argue about whether this happened, let's just assume that this is a valid and widely held view). besides, on what basis can we even call ourselves a democracy if the official vote tally is not the actual one?</p>