UC Berkeley a Conditions of Amission - Rescinded?? help!!

<p>Hi, I've been accepted to Fall 2014 to Cal and I am (or was) very excited. The problem is, my third quarter grades are absolutely horrendous. I am getting all C's and even 1 D (possibly)... I got very very lazy. I did ok first 2 quarters, but it looks like my final GPA for my SENIOR year will be around an 82-83.5, without any C's. I have 6 a-g courses atm, and I should be getting a B in all of them.</p>

<p>Grades: B/B/B/B/B/B Final Grades
My school:
A: 100-90
B: 80-89
C: 70-79.....</p>

<p>Now, I thought the 3.0 unweighted was an 80%. But now people are telling me that it is an 85% for a 3.0 unweighted. I know this is different for every school, but will this cause me to get rescinded?</p>

<p>My school doesn't do +/- on grades, so a B is a B. (Straight Bs'). With my 82-83.5 cumulative in senior year, will I get rescinded from UC Berkeley? Help, and thank you!</p>

<p>Since you’re school practices the “Bs a B” calculation method anything 80+ will be equivalent to a 3.0 GPA for Berkeley admissions. </p>

<p>So, UCB won’t do a direct conversion of the % grade to a 4.0 grade, right? They’ll break it down to A, B, C… and go from there?</p>