UC Berkeley - Can I switch to Engineering if I get accepted?

My friend applied to UC Berkeley with a computer science major. If he got accepted, would he be able to switch into computer engineering (or any other field of engineering?)
He just realized he wants to do engineering, but since we already turned in UC apps, he can’t change his major now…

Also, would it be easier to switch majors if he went somewhere else, like UC Irvine or UC San Diego? Or would it be the same?

Did your friend apply to CS in the College of Letter and Sciences L&S) or in the EECS at UCB?

Easier to switch to Engineering if accepted into EECS then trying to change Colleges.


I emailed a ton of admissions counselors on this but did not really get a clear answer, only that you should apply for what you intend to study. I think it can be quite tricky

It’s close to impossible to switch from L&S to college of engineering, especially into EECS which is by far the most competitive major to get into.