UC Berkeley Chances

<p>I am new to these forums. I've been reading lots of material, looking at the transfer admission fliers, etc. Last year the average GPA accepted to Berkeley for transfer was 3.65-3.95. My current GPA is a 3.34. However, I have a situation that is a little bit different than most, which is why I applied to Berkeley - the holistic review.</p>

<p>The first thing you need to know is my intended major at Berkeley is Economics - my essays are already submitted, and I understand the major is capped. However, on Berkeley's site, they state admission initially is undeclared letter and science major - then I can apply to the Economics major afterwards. I have a completed IGETC, and I will complete all possible pre-reqs by Spring 2014 except Business Calculus 2 (which I noted will be completed this summer 2014).</p>

<p>My essays focus on leadership and ethics, as well as personal hardships and decisions I've made. My grade trends are substantial as well. In 2007-2008, I received a 2.47 GPA after dropping classes and working full time trying to take care of my grandmother - she died a year later. In June 2008 (age 18), I joined the Marine Corps. In 2010, I started college again while still active duty. My GPA since 2010 is 3.57. My prerequisite courses are all As. I was discharged early in January 2013 after 4.5 years in the service (honorable discharge) with the rank of Sergeant. I was a participant of the VEERP program (early out). I am now a disabled veteran (age 24) and was diagnosed with MDD, anxiety, agoraphobia and psychosis (I did not include my disability in my application - some people treat mental disabilities as a sign of an inability to learn.) I feel that my ECCs and Essay may make up for my first year grades in college. But I still feel that a GPA of 3.34 may hold me back. Can anyone give me any insight on what my chances are?</p>

<p>That…is a very unusual set of circumstances indeed…
First off, I think you should’ve consulted somebody before leaving your disabilities out. Anything like that should be used to your advantage (i.e. “look at what I’ve done IN SPITE of my disabilities, I’ve come a long way”. If there’s any way to add additional information or change that, I would try.)
The GPA will hold you back. There’s no questioning that. However, with your circumstances, there is a fair chance that the Holistic Review will work in your favor. It’s a crapshoot for everybody, and it’s really hard to gauge. </p>

<p>But if you eloquently and “properly” (i.e. without being woe-is-me or bragging) covered your essay topics, I think you have a decent chance…that’s a pretty intense sounding pair of essays…</p>

<p>I should add that I’m really optimistic, so my opinion/thoughts may be biased in your favor…</p>

<p>What are the rules about posting actual admission essays on the forums? Is it a bad idea due to potential members who may take bits/pieces of the essay and use it as their own? Is it better to PM somebody an essay for more advice? Also, I’d like to add that last year approximately 28% of Social Science transfers from a California Community College were admitted to UC Berkeley. I’m currently attending Santa Barbara City College - if that makes any difference.</p>

<p>You should physically go to the admissions office and talk to someone. Your circumstances are quite unusual.</p>

<p>You should physically go to the admissions office and talk to someone. Your circumstances are quite unusual.</p>

<p>I don’t know exactly how unusual these circumstances are. Several people get out the military and go back to school thanks to the post 9/11 GI bill. Several people who are getting out have been diagnosed with PTSD or a similar mental disorder such as mine. I guess I should notify my counselor; ask if it would make a difference; and then see if I can submit that information to UC Berkeley after my application has already been submitted. </p>

<p>I guess my real question is: Does Berkeley really evaluate a person’s life circumstances - or do they just say they have a holistic review to impress college rating sites? Will they skip my application if they see a 3.34 GPA and immediately cut me from their stack? Is there anyone who knows how much emphasis is placed on academics vs. life experiences (service to others, leadership - military; hardships - grandmother; grade trends)?</p>

<p>“Business Calculus 2”
Are you taking a Business Calculus sequence or a Calculus for engineering sequence? Because Berkeley will want the later. </p>

<p>According to UC Berkeley, I need a full sequence of Math16a-b or Math1a-b. My intended major is economics, and berkeley has stated initial admission for L&S is undeclared. I can apply for economics major after being admitted, but there is no guarantee. If I do not get economics, I will be happy with political economy which is an uncapped major. </p>

<p>I am enrolled in Math16a this spring, and I am taking Math 16b in the summer. On the separate forms on my berkeley application, it stated I may take prerequisites during the summer and that at least one math course must be taken at Berkeley - which will be the upper division Statistics 20 that is not offered at my community college. </p>

<p>Again, my question is will my application be ignored due to a low GPA? Also, how big of a role does GPA apply to the Comprehensive Review considering my circumstances? Any help is appreciated. </p>

<p>@acousticjesse GPA matters A LOT at Cal, but they do take disabilities into consideration. Just hope your app reviewer is sympathetic enough to give you a chance</p>

<p>BTW chance me as an English and Sociology major for UCD, UCSB, UCSC, and UCSD? I CHANCE BACK. I’d appreciate honest feedback :)</p>

<p>60 percent for UCSB/UCD. 40 percent for UCSD. 85 percent for UCSC. </p>

<p>I think your circumstances give you a better chance, even with that gpa.
<a href=“Chance Me? I will definately 100% chance you back - #31 by bbff1234 - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums”>Chance Me? I will definately 100% chance you back - #31 by bbff1234 - Chance Me / Match Me! - College Confidential Forums;
