Major: Mechanical engineering
GPA: 3.95
Major GPA: 4.0
In/out state: International student
IGETC: Completed
Extracurriculars: physics and math tutor, Alpha Gamma Sigma member, president of the international students club, member of the engineering society, member of the engineering abroad program. worked for 5 years as mine equipment maintainer.
I am currently taking my last required classes at a CC (Linear Algebra, Diff eq’s, physics3)
Do you guys think it’s too late to switch the college youre applying for? I sent in a request on Friday to change from College of L&S to College of Eng.
Do all UC schools release decisions on the same day? I applied to UCLA as well so will I hear from Berkeley and UCLA On the same day. Berkeley is March 26, right?
I got an e-mail stating that around 2000 students are considered for the Regents’ Scholarship, in case anyone was wondering. I believe that 400 out-of-state students are selected for candidacy, although I could have heard that wrong - I attended a webinar about the scholarship for OOS students and I think that’s what it said. I also heard that only 60 of the OOS candidates were invited to interview. Could anyone confirm or support this? Are there any OOS candidates who did not get an invitation to interview?
You mentioned you got an e-mail stating that around 2000 students were considered for the Regents.
Could you paste the e-mail here?
I don’t remember seeing that e-mail.
@madcowD when were you admitted? I didn’t think anyone heard yet. They sent an email clearly stating that because you were selected for a regents scholarship, that doesn’t mean you are admitted.
@nosyla Regents finalists are assured admission, so all finalists are in. Maybe you’re thinking about the leadership scholarship? Selection for that scholarship doesn’t mean you’re admtted.
Last year for the Regent interview my son meet with an Engineering Professor. The interview lasted about 30 minutes. The professor at the time told my son he was going to “recommend him for the scholarship” but it was up to the “committee” if he got it. My son did receive it. His interview was in Los Angeles
@mohshawks my son did the interview 2 years ago in LA. You check in and then sit at a table with a current student and other candidates. They have refreshments. There are a lot of different professors there interviewing and I think they try to link you with one that matches up with your interests. The professor will then come into the room and call your name and you will leave with him/her for the interview. The professor that interviewed my son was really great, even gave him a t-shirt (it was a free t-shirt given away at a sporting event I think). My advice is to relax, be yourself and you will do great.
Hi everyone, I have 35 ACT and over 95/100 in every high school class (several APs with 97+), and I am OOS, but I still havent gotten the regents email (unless its that leadership award thing). Anyone else not received it yet?