I’m an instate student who received in an invite. Some stats for those who are interested: 2370 SAT. 3.97 UW/4.76 Weighted. Rank 8/869. I think these are pretty average, however I would say that my essays are what made the difference.
“I think these are pretty average”
Are you looking for attention or for someone to pat you on the back and tell you that a near perfect SAT score and GPA is not indeed average.
@couplemoreweeks maybe not for average applicants when compared to the nation, but for regents candidates I would say yes it’s probably average and inline with the rest of those who received invites
I only got CAA invitation, mean nothing?
My ACT 35 but GPA only 3.8
no hope? :((
I think so, all school will auto do it for student.
Cal portal? where to look for?
would you mind tell us your SAT or ACT scoreand GPA?
can you tell your score on ACT or SAT and GPA , please?
yeah, I did not get one? ACT 35, GPA 3.8 , no class ranking in my school!
@kitty1 What are you trying to ask? I’m very confused by your multiple posts as they have no context.
i am CA resident but study aboard applicant with 3.8 GPA and ACT 35 but no ranking my school. I ony got The Scholarship Award invitation to apply but no email invite to apply Regent’s Scholarship . Does it help or hurts chances being accepted with only one Scholarship invitation?
i got chosen to be a candidate for the regents scholarship and I do not have extremely high stats…
GPA: 4.35 (uc), 4.63 (weighted) and 4.0 (unweighted)
Sat: 2170
What’s your intended major?
@steventocollege Pre-business administration
but your GPA must higher than me 4.35 (UC). For non Regent’s candidate, is going to hurt the chance to be accepted?
We are OOS what does it mean when you refer to GPA - UC and its higher? I remember when we visited, in the info sessions they said something about for each AP add a point to your GPA? Is that what you are referring too? Does Berkley do that too? If my son has an unweighted 3.65 (his school doesn’t give weight to any class as its a very rigorous college preparatory school)and has 5 APs which he got a B+ in AP Chem last year and all A’s in the others, what does that mean for him? TIA
Is it too late to send ACT Scores?
KDurham please tell me your kidding. UC Berkeley already made the majority of its decisions by Jan. unless you sent your SAT scores you should be fine