***UC Berkeley Class of 2019 Applicant Discussion***

@james111 my portal right now says: Your application has been received and is In Review
Decisions will be available the evening of March 26, 2015

and then below it, it says:

Submitted Letter of Recommendation

The information you provide is important for us to evaluate your application and can only enhance your chances for admission.
Submitted Applicant Questionnaire.

The information you provide regarding any physical or mental disability, or medical condition is important for us to evaluate your application and can only enhance your chances for admission.

@polysci11 I got the The Achievement Award Program and/or The Kruttschnitt Aspire Scholarship Program, I submitted my app today.

Is it a good thing that they sent you the emails to apply to The Achievement Award Program and The Kruttschnitt Aspire? I don’t want to get all giddy with my hopes high. :frowning: Even though I still plan on completing them.

I got a similar email today. I got one for the Leadership Award Scholarship. Is this a good sign or do they ask almost everyone to apply to similar scholarships?

@ineversleep‌ I got the same email today and have the same question.

same here @ineversleep‌ @96blue‌

@ineversleep‌ Same boat, I also got the Leadership Award invite, I hope this is a good thing…did anyone not get an invite???

Got the invite as well. 3 scholarships from Berkeley so far!

i got one for the leadership award… wonder if Berkeley sends those invitations to everyone… but for what purpose?

We also received the Leadership Award email and wonder if everyone received it. We did not receive emails related to any other scholarships.

i got the leadership one too. i think they send it to everyone who had pretty good leadership on their app?

" You are no more or less likely to be admitted to UC Berkeley because you have received this invitation, and your decision to apply or not apply for Cal Alumni Association scholarships will not affect your application status."

They probably send it to mostly everyone.

Would you mind posting your gpa and SAT/Act scores if you received a special invitation or questionare. I am nervous I did not get one and Berkleley is my #1 so I am trying to set my expectations especially since they received 78,000 applications!

@studywiki‌ SAT: 2200, GPA: 4.0 UW, ~4.3 W
I’m pretty sure I got the questionnaire because of a certain extenuating circumstance I mentioned in my app. It probably has nothing to do with test scores or GPA, so dont worry!

just some random thoughts i have that i want to write down cuz i am bored…
do you guys ever feel that all these college preparations, like SAT practices, essays, and just random worries over college admission are just redundant, uncalled for in the end?

i mean, i applied to Berkeley and other “top” schools just to try out. of course i am happy should schools like Berkeley or JHU accept me, but i won’t be sad if i instead go pursue a career at UCI (my parents and I actually found UCI very attractive and peaceful and we loved it).

what do u think?

mahoushojoI, I think you are going to be vastly happier than some of the other kids here on this forum. :-bd

I also got an invitation for a Leadership Scholarship…

Also, does Berkeley ever take Freshman year grades into account? I got all A’s… but I got 3 B’s in sophomore year so my UC unweighted gpa (from 10th-11th) is a 3.81 but my overall is a 3.9. Also, my ACT is a 35 but my SAT is a 2130 and that was from sophomore year. Will the 2130 negatively affect me? In addition, I turned in a 680 US History subject test with 2 other subject tests that I did very very well on. Will the 680 affect me? I’m applying for Letters and Science.

@Radbg74‌, dude… :-? … okay so first off a 2130 SAT is not bad! It is good! I know it’s not super high but it’s good. I couldn’t think of any college that will look down upon this score; the same goes for your US history, IT’S GOOD. Berkeley with its holistic review will appreciate your 35 ACT and everything you did non-academic. relax…

unless you are just here to show off your ACT score… :wink:

So I know the supplement needs to submitted within 10 days of receiving the email. For me, that’s today Jan 18. I finished my questionnaire, but my teacher still hasn’t submitted my letter of recommendation. Should I be concerned?

I know UC schools do not want additional information unless they ask for it, but are we suppose to submit our mid year reports to them?