Oh by the way he hasn’t gotten any emails yet. So I hope the portal is correct.
Wow mine says I’ve been invited for an interview as well!
@eth0up I didn’t receive any emails yet either
@ackack yup I’m from CA. Thanks! Still waiting on an email though
Congrats guy! So does your application status say something different from “you will recieve your decision on March 26th”
My son got the invitation too.
But he hasn’t received the e-mail though.
"Your application has been received and is In Review
Decisions will be available the evening of March 26, 2015
Congratulations! You are invited to interview with a faculty member for the Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship, Berkeley’s most prestigious honor for entering undergraduates. Recipients receive a Faculty Mentor, a monetary award, guaranteed on-campus housing, priority registration and membership in the Scholars’ association. For more information, and to RSVP …"
Is it true that only those who live in California receive an invite to Regents?
@KDurham: I believe oos students don’t have to interview. They get informed if theywere selected as regents scholar along with their admission decisions. (I am not 100% sure about this)
Check your Cal portal and book the interview quickly.
Do international students get notified now or on the day of decision whether they received regents?
They don’t interview international students. You will get Regents notification on the day of decision (late March) if you are selected.
Well, I didn’t even know there was a Cal portal till now but I just made an account and found out I’ve been invited to interview for Regents’ and Chancellor’s! Yay!
Does receiving an invitation to interview mean you’re basically accepted?
Based on what I have seen, yes, you could assume that you are in.
I saw that you were already accepted by Harvard.
Are you going there?
@StevenToCollege Thanks for the information! At this point, I’m not sure because it really depends on the merit aid I receive from other schools.
Look like they also sent interview invitation to out-of-state students.
How do you know? @hmsy15
My kid received an email invitation.
An email invite to interview for Regents from OOS? @hmsy15 Wow.