If you are OOS and did not receive a email notification to interview and your Cal portal did not change, does that mean no Regents invite?
The email my D received states,
“As a Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship candidate, your admission to the University of California, Berkeley for the fall 2015 semester has been assured.”
This is the same for all, right? Earlier posts were asking if they got the email, did that mean they were in. I would think that the emails were mass sent out with the same text, but could be wrong.
Is it holistic or only the top 1.5 percent based on stats
This is from Berkeley site.
“Faculty select candidates from the top entering applicants who have been admitted to Berkeley, as determined by a holistic review by the Academic Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Honors and Financial Aid.”
@notalreadyinuse Yeah, my email said that also! I asked about whether it meant admission was guaranteed before I received the email (I’d just checked the portal, which didn’t have this info).
I think it seems to be the top 1.5 percent based on the holistic review. I got invitation but my standardized testing score is not super high.
Sorry for asking again, but do OOS applicants get their Cal portal updated if they are a candidate for Regents? Or do they not know at all until decision day (if they do get Regents)?
hello, I received it as well! Congratulations to everyone and I hope to see you guys at Cal
So what I understand is that this means I am accepted, and furthermore, accepted into the major I declared (I declared EECS)?
I got the email today too! Is anyone planning to take the interview?
When do OOS applicants get the Regents scholarship notifications? Thanks.
Congratulations to everyone who got invited. @fubnub , yes, consider yourself admitted into EECS.
I just signed up for my interview!
My OOS kid and another friend from the same school got email notifications earlier today. They are flying in the student plus one parent/chaperon.
@kelowna, just to get an idea of the sort of students who are getting these invitations, can you post your kid’s stats if you don’t mind?
Search my posts and you will see some I have promised my kid I will not post specific information until April 1. My kid has very high standardized test scores, though not perfect, ranked first in the school, many EC, but one very unusual - involving lots of work from the ground up. Overall a very well grounded kid with many interests. Check back again after April 1st. I will pot specifics then.
@Kelowna, which state are you in? Hope your answer does not break your promise.
just got the notification, extremely excited!!
Have they given out all of the invites for in state people? I got the one from LA but not Berkeley…
Yes, they probably sent all of the invites for in-state.
Aaaahhh I got the email, too. I can’t believe I got into Cal! Anyone going to any of the overnight stays?