*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

People from class of 2026 looking through old threads, this is correct lol


@snoopy2025 LOL. Okay. My son apparently was on reddit since he’s not on CC and he knew to go into his portal at 10am and took a screenshot. His said, “Withdraw App Request Form (at the top)
I will not be coming to Berkeley and wish to withdraw my app,” and he was accepted.

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Awesome! Congratulations!

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lol, Berkeley is holistic and you generalizing them as “low stats students” just seems like you’re trying to diminish their accomplishments. The UCs don’t yield protect and those “low stats students” may have had stellar ECs and essays because having the perfect stats won’t guarantee an admission into a top uni ( hence the meaning of “holistic”). Good luck to your daughter though; I’ve already declined my seat because I can’t afford Cal but I hope she gets it :slight_smile:


It was correct. And it does not make them look good.

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Don’t you think they will find out and fix it?

Nice! Cal Poly SLO! Congratulations!


Thanks @GPlove. I appreciate all your feedback along the way. SLO definitely the running favorite right now. :blush:


@apcookie what does yield protect refer to? Could you pl explain?

UC Forum Champion Note: UC’s do not yield protect regardless of what posters state on these forums. UC’s have more than enough qualified, high achieving students to fill their classes several times over.
This is where this discussion will end. Thank you.

Yield protection is a tactic reportedly used by some colleges and universities in which they reject or waitlist exceptional candidates, in part because they believe the students will be accepted and matriculate in more distinguished institutions. Because many institutions believe yield is an indicator of the desirability of a school, they work to maximize their yield; no school wants to be seen as a “safety” school. Yield protection is also commonly called “Tufts syndrome,” a moniker bestowed due to a large number of times Tufts University has been accused of the practice.


A BIG THANKS TO YOU and another forum champion. You both answered our queries very patiently and helped us in all possible ways. Thanks for your time and patience.


Thank you and congratulations on all your acceptances.


Thank you.

I got into Purdue, UIUC, UCLA, UCB, UCSD and UCSC. Waitlisted from UCSB. Deferred from UMICH .

Yep his indicator was correct then haha. Mine said the same thing :joy:.

It was correct for me too. I forget exactly what it was, but I remember having the withdrawl script for as if I got accepted, then a few hours later I was officially accepted.

That’s an enviable list. I’ll give you first pay check in exchange for some of those top universities that you don’t need. Did you get CS in all of those colleges?

It depends on what majors the kids are applying, I believe.

Also @GameLady123 

These are the numbers who applied, who were accepted, and enrolled at UCLA Med School from UCLA undergrad. There are 175 students/year that UCLA enrolls in each year’s frosh med classes. Here are the numbers:

    UCLA Grads Applying to UCLA Med School					175 in Class
Year	Applied	Accepted	A/R Rate	Enrolled	Yield	 % of Class
2015	    905 	  44 	    4.9%	      34 	77.3%	    19.4%
2016	    949 	  40 	    4.2%	      28 	70.0%	    16.0%
2017	    849 	  40 	    4.7%	      25 	62.5%	    14.3%
2018	    917 	  52 	    5.7%	      37 	71.2%	    21.1%
2019	    898 	  21        2.3%	      15    70.0%	     8.4%

The 2019 number enrolled wasn’t given, so I used a yield of 70%. I believe 2019 was the year that UCLA Med School raised its minimum gpa/mcat floor, so it shows a large decline in numbers, but this could have been part of 2018’s class that actually enrolled in 2019, so the average of 2018’s and 19’s would be 26. Sometimes, apparently, there’s a little difficulty, I guessing, in rolling admissions to determine in which class a student belongs. Pure speculation, but it also could have been because of the raise in the floor stats required.

If you want to see really high numbers of a grad school accepting its own undergrads, UCD’s Vet school, I believe, accepts around 2/3s Aggie grads.

Sorry, but I was also trying to figure out how the new board prints out spreadsheets. It’s a bit quirky, but doable. All the best to all involved.


Does anyone know how many students are admitted to L&S?

Cal means UC Berkeley. It is the first CALifornia univeristy. In Football and other sports, they like to say Cal.