*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

My son got invited for the SEED honor program too. There is a new application deadline date (like early April). Interview is the end of April. Go to your portal and scroll down. You will see a letter about this program’s invitation that has all new dates.

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From you accepted list, I would pick SLO. Also Santa Clara if you don’t mind taking Bible Studies and can afford the tuition.

Thanks. Yes, we see it now!

Haha yes CS but in UCB I applied for L&S.

Did anyone get into the GMP?

That’s a fantastic accomplishment. What can the rest of us learn from you? What is your secret? Did you write amazing essays? Do you have unusual extra curriculars?

Yes. Santa Clara is just too expensive even with the generous financial aid package my son was offered . Also it’s too small for his liking. He is looking for a bit larger school. If he ends up getting accepted to Davis it’s probably worth a visit but I still give SLO the edge.

Yes my daughter got in!

BTW, the bears hate the moniker UCB. It’s Cal or Berkeley, or UC Berkeley. They have tried for years to stamp out being called UCB to no avail. Cal was the first UC, and the other UCs had to add the ending letter to distinguish it from the original. Too bad. I’m an 88 alumnus I we never heard it referred to as UCB, now I think it’s here to stay. Oh well. Doesn’t change that Cal is amazing! Congrats to all you new bears !


Send him to a big UC for grad school instead. No bias/s
The SLO crowd is strong on these threads! :rofl:

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:pray::pray: I think my application was very balanced in all fields.
I took the rigorous high school course with 2 community college classes.
Varsity swim and year round swimmer.
Prestigious summer course and a small research paper. My essays were good.

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Agree…my D21 was being recruited at other schools but didn’t want to go to any D1 school (there were a few) so she could continue as a college athete…it was a hard pill to swallow with all the years of training and competitions since she was 9, but perhaps that is what Cal saw also. She didn’t have any EC’s as any dedicated club athlete parent will tell you, but did have recognizable achievement in her sport - there is no time for clubs and volunteering programs and her academics were also well in order. Perhaps Cal having depth into college sports understood why she didn’t have EC’s…compared to other schools where she got rejected as they weren’t as athletically inclined…?

Accepted OOS for CS in L&S. Very pleasantly surprised with this decision!

I only use UCB here because its quicker to type…LOL…but it will always be known to me as Cal…agree.

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So true, I cringe whenever I see “UCB” used. No Cal student, alumni, faculty etc would ever refer to UC Berkeley that way!

May I ask what major did you get admitted into at UCLA? My son also has balanced credential (international stem awards, university challenging course, sport recruited, more APs) with better gpa. His essays were good. He still got waitlisted for UCLA engineering. I wonder if residential location matters. Do you live in SoCal? Thanks!

Congrats to all Cal admits! My OOS son admitted to Cal L&S, UCLA, UCSB and UCSD (no Regents). So now he is in the very fortunate position of having to decide between them. He will be doing Global or International Studies at all.


I am from NoCa. I applied for CE

In the same boat. After over 10 years and tens of thousands of dollars my kid decided she was no longer having fun playing club soccer. She had made the top team for a nationally recognized club and was getting looks from smaller D1 and D2 schools. She ultimately quit because she knew her future wasnt in soccer so she did not want that to dictate where she went to college. She also knew she had a much better chance of getting into a top school based on her grades versus her athletic capabilities. I could not be more proud of her.


@weevil1 Yup! Never refer yourself as a UCB student. Cal or Berkeley. And for those who would be new to the area, it’s not San Fran. Never San Fran. San Francisco, The City, SF, but no San Fran.