*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Honestly I don’t regret it because for most of the time I did it, I really loved it and learned a lot from it. I never did the homeschool thing or anything though so I always tried to have a balance between gym life and outside the gym life. But at this point in my life, I realized it wasn’t serving me anymore and with college I really want to start fresh and enter a new chapter. So I don’t regret doing gymnastics up to this point but I am glad to now be moving on.

Thank you for your perspective. I appreciate your time and candor

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That’s good to know and not time wasted…as scholastic athlete parents we know alot is put on the line that many don’t understand…the scary part is when you pass the point of no return and there is no going back to try other school activities right?..it’s basically all in…and that’s the scariest part…but I feel you…definitely a kinship with parents of student athletes…we know what it takes and involves…hard to explain to others…but we know…and at last a silver lining at the end of this journey for now.

Just wonder if anyone here knows if College of Environmental Resource is less impacted than College of L&S?

Do you mean the College of Natural Resources? If so, it is smaller and is supposed to have more accessible advising.

I’ve been admitted into UCLA for Theatre, and UC Berkeley L&S (intending to major in theatre) - anyone have any knowledge about these programs and advice on how to decide?

Your statement is flawed and not based in fact, you clearly haven’t done you’re research. A large number of the people on this forum are parents. And what’s wrong with that? It’s a free country, last I checked.

Have a great day!

UC Champion Forum Note: CC is a welcoming community and all posters need to be civil or they will be flagged for violating TOS.

I happen to be a parent whom has been posting on CC for 8 years. The CC community welcomes all types of posters: Parents, students, financial aid professionals, even admission officers at times.

CC is a website to help disseminate college information and we welcome all posters and all points of view.

I am sorry to say that I would not want to be taking advice from student about financial aid matters so you statement that it is “weird” that so many parents are on this website doesn’t make sense. As parents, we are all trying to navigate the college admissions process for the sake of our students and the more informed a parent can be, the better the student can make good college choices.

CC does have the Student lounge where you can comiserate with your fellow students and feel more at home: Student Lounge - College Confidential Forums
Or you can visit the many peer websites that have less “parent” involvement.

Thank you.


Yes, thank you. I always worry that my daughter regretted all those years even though she says she doesn’t . She had a career ending injury and had to pivot in so many ways. I do believe it helped her get into Cal as so many of her club mates also got in. Gymnastics def is all or none. But Cal appreciates its worth and the inevitable resiliency it fosters.

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UCLA has even lower acceptance. Congratulations!!

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I am happy with my son’s UC success this year, given the circumstances
but very disappointed at UCLA and Cal rejections.

Admitted to UCSB, UCD, UCSC, UCR, UCM.
Rejected from UCLA, Cal, UCSD, UCI.

Math major everywhere but UCSC, where it is astrophysics.

3.85 U, 4.35 W from a competitive NorCal high school.

9 APs, in sciences (harder)

35 ACT

National Merit Scholarship Finalist

Piano Certificate of Merit Level 7

Top NorCal soccer team

tech internship in senior year

I thought he is an excellent candidate and I am struggling to
understand the outcome so hopefully someone will help here.

Hey guys, I got into Berkeley and was wondering do they mail out packages to accepted students like USC and Northwestern do?


I understand what you mean by this post, but if you were accepted to UCB you are not low-stat and if your gpa is lower than the typical 4.0+ your application must have been very strong in other aspects. In addition, those who were accepted were not chosen ‘randomly’. Berkeley has a rhyme and reason for accepting who they accept. I apologize that your son was not admitted but let’s not assume it was because the students admitted were low-stat students.

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Another Dad here. I hear you on your struggle to understand admissions this year. I think this year without the SAT/ACT, it was much less predictable. My daughter had slightly better stats (3.92/4.32/4.42) and was rejected from UCSB but accepted at UCSD, the opposite of your son, which just goes to show how random it was this year. She would have loved to go to UCSB, btw.

Congrats on all the acceptances. Your son did great and has a lot of great schools to choose from.

when can we hear about waitlist results?

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Not to get too nerdy but if you check the common data set for each school, entry C7 shows generally how they weight each area of consideration.
Although UCs use the same app, each school values the criteria differently.

Waitlist decisions usually come out after the May 1 SIR. If they see less students enrolling prior to May 1, they may start pulling from the waitlist sooner.

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@FlooredDad @locogringo: I have been posting on CC for about 8 years and I have always found the UC’s unpredictable not just this year. Every campus is different and looking for something different in each applicant. If I knew the secret, I would be a millionaire. Both your students have some great options and believe me they will “bloom where planted” . Best of luck to them.


Thank you for your encouraging words and wishes.
I am just trying to learn what might have been lacking in my son’s application, so that his brother maximizes his chances.
I’d appreciate it if you have any insight that you can share, resources to check out, etc.

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