*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

@CCayenne How is Bear Transit night service? Would that work for @parentjunior17? Back in the day, my friends and I used to take Humphrey Go-Bart (Bear Transit’s predecessor) when we stayed late studying at Moffitt.

^^i mentioned my D’s experience with Bear Walk above :slightly_smiling_face:

I think Bear Walk is escort service. Bear Transit is shuttle service, which is supposed to run every 15 minutes at night.

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Did any admits attend the Golden Bear Welcome Reception today? My kid totally spaced out and missed it. Was there anything important discussed that we should know? Thank you so much!

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Mine missed it too. I was going to watch for her as she was on a plane to see her brother. But the link wasn’t sent until she was in the air.

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We just came back and the school is quite beautiful…we were just touring ourselves all around…hiked around…went to the top where the stadium was and then all around the campus. We also visited Stanford, but have to say UC Berkeley is much more beautful and felt like a college compared to Stanford…which seemed clinical/sterile. I dunno…Berkeley seemed comfortable and college like, but Stanford seemed safe and insulated.

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Son accepted to one of the engineering schools at UCB but it is not his preferred major so he is considering UCD. He might choose UCB if he has a good shot at changing majors to mechanical engineering. Unfortunately the schools website just says to apply after one semester and meet with an advisor to check on minimum GPA requirements. We would like something more specific so he can assess how hard it will be (i.e. he needs a 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, etc.?) Anyone have any info on how hard it is to transfer from one engineering major to another, specifically, changing to mechanical engineering? Thanks in advance.

I think you nailed it. There is a lot of debate in your words, but UC Berkeley is a classic university in so many respects: The academic structure and expectations, the vibrancy of the central urban surroundings, the architecture and the beauty. Stanford is no doubt an incredible institution, with an unmatched endowment and facilities, and it has the ability to hand pick its class from the world’s best. But it is incredibly sheltered, and presents a world to its students that isn’t really replicated anywhere else.

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Looks like Berkeley is starting to vaccinate students living in the dorms. :+1:



We just spent the day exploring the campus and the surrounding areas. We started at the North end, worked our why down to the College of Natural Resources and Units 1-3 dorms, then back up Telegraph past the stadium. My kid felt the campus was not impressive looking at all. The landscaping looked unattended to and while some of the buildings looked grand there was not a cohesive feel to the campus. Mind you, she is comparing Cal to UCLA and USC where she has spent a lot of time growing up. However, she absolutely loved the vibe of the surrounding city. That being said, she understands that these opinions has nothing to do with the quality of education she would get at Cal. I am hopeful she will choose to go here. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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Yes, my student came from a very small high school but she was not to particularly fond of how small it was and little to no school activities, pep or pride…Stanford is almost a mirror image of her school (but obviously in a much larger perspective ans scale…lol)…she definitely loved the architecture and scenery of Cal and the on campus vibe…decisions…decisions…soon…

Interesting…we’ve been numerous times to USC (family and friends) but TBH not to fond of it and especially the area that surrounds it…guess as you stay inside the gates…but no way you can avoid the outside being in LA right? Are you guys still waiting for decisions?

Yeah I guess my kid is used to the manicured look of ucla and usc. And I totally agree with you about the area around usc. We are not waiting on any other decisions…it’s down to Cal, uci, and ucd. Today we are thrifting and browsing record stores in the city, her two favorite activities. Hopefully that will swing the scales in Cals favor!

What about you guys? What are the options?

I live just 4 miles from Cal but I don’t go very close to campus often. I was nearby today. The campus and the area near it is fancy compared to when I attended in the early to mid 80s.

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We are also down to UCSD, UCI and Cal…trying to find away to find out if one of our close family friends got into Cal also but it has been quiet and don’t want to add uneeded pressure…hate this part…we’ll wait till next week…think all decisions will be out by then…

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: UCB Freshman Class of 2025 Waitlist and Appeal discussion

Thank you so much!

Good luck! I know a bit about ucsd and uci so if I can help in any way please let me know.

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Registration for fall courses is already open for the incoming freshman?

I don’t think so. My question had to do with courses transferring from community college.

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