*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

You need to let them know. In your admission portal on the right hand side under “Questions and Updates,” there is a link to a form for letting them know if you will not be meeting all of the Conditions of Admission. Taking all AP tests that you listed on your UC application is one of these Conditions of Admission.

Scroll back a few days, this has been discussed before with some tips

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If I am waitlisted, do I have to inform the admissions committee that I will be taking all AP exams mentioned in application

I think they will assume so.

My S is a UCB senior, my D is waitlisted. I do hope she can get off the waitlist so she can join her brother. It is also ok if she is not able to get in since I do have concern on campus safety, mainly because of the tragic happened in June last year.

What tragedy happened last year at Cal?

a shooting

Thank you. I googled to find out more, that’s sad and a bit unsettling.

Definitely take that into account when considering Cal, they do all they can to make the campus safe but unfortunately it’s still in a pretty unsafe area : (

I would not call it an unsafe area just very urban.


Agreed, it’s not unsafe. Berkeley (along with UChicago and jhu) is considered to be one of the most dangerous campuses. Be prepared if u don’t live in the area.

For all of you looking for off campus housing near Berkeley please be careful. I was almost scammed today while looking for an apartment in the area. 🧍🏽‍♀️

does anyone know if they’re notifying SEED’s scholars invites abt the next round today?

I don’t know about notifications today but, in the past they have only notified those who received the scholarship and not those who didn’t. Hopefully they will be more organized and notify both those that are moving on as well as those who aren’t.

I apologize if this has been asked. I have tried to keep up with this awesome thread. How difficult is it to find undergraduate research opportunities in Molecular cellular biology? My son has narrowed it down to the Chancellor Science Program at Chapel Hill, UCLA and Berkeley.

Someone with a current MCB student will hopefully reply. I’ll say that it is known to be very competitive but if you are persistent and with some luck, it is possible. (I was able to get a position during my time there 25 years ago- ouch - by going door to door and trying to speak to the PI in person, hand a resume. I was lucky - someone said a new faculty had just moved in and I hurried over and we hit it off right away.) However, one thing to consider is that UCLA has a med school and there may be more labs available due to the med faculty often having labs. Cal students can do this at UCSF (that’s Cal’s med school, sort of)…but it’s a bit of a hassle. Definitely possible, but more time to travel back and forth. I can’t comment on comparison with UNC.

Do UCSF and Cal have any sort of working relationship for undergrad research or internships? I attended Cal back in the dark ages and at that time, the two were very independent.

I also went there in the dark ages. :slight_smile: The labs collaborate, just as any institutions might. I don’t think there is a formal program, but just as you would approach labs at Cal, I know students did that at UCSF (I had started to do that when I finally got my foot in the door at a lab at Cal). There are joint programs for MD/PhD and perhaps some other dual degrees, but in terms of research and internships for undergrads, I think it’s fairly independent. The lab I was in did do work with a lab at UCSF, so we did go across the Bay occasionally for meetings or to share samples.

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It’s not easy, and it depends on your circumstances. If they qualify for work study, it’s easier because many labs prioritize that. If not, it will be harder, but still possible. Also, there are different types of research, wet lab experience seems to be the hardest to get.

My D is a third year MCB at Cal, she’s had an internship in a MCB lab since the beginning of sophomore year. Initially she tried to secure a position thru URAP but had no luck because she’s not work study-eligible. She ended up emailing labs on her own; she sent 50+ emails, got 3 interviews and ended up with a good position under a terrific post-doc. So it is possible, but they have to be persistent. Nothing is handed to them at Cal. It’s real world, they have to work for, it but the rewards are there if they do.

I think they still are very independent, particularly at the undergraduate level. There is a joint medical program, but that’s the only collaboration I’m aware of.