*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

@anikamehra7 @basch Seems like they are waiting on June 15 when California is scheduled to officially reopens the economy.

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Does anyone know how long it generally takes for the UC to enter mailed transcripts? We sent two separate transcripts from community colleges one on May 1 and another on May 5. Neither have been recorded. We did ask the admissions office but the response didnā€™t answer the question.

Iā€™m not sure about mailed, but my sons electronic transcript took 2-3 wks to get recorded

@CCayenne Thank you! I saw that the electronic transcripts are being processed. Mailed seem to be taking a while.

Just a heads up - my son received his housing offer. Apparently the email came in two days ago but with senior week/graduation/grad night, he didnā€™t see it until today. He was given 7 days to accept and pay a $300 deposit, which he did. Happy he didnā€™t miss the deadline :grimacing:!

Since I havenā€™t seen anyone else post, Iā€™m wondering if his offer came in early because he applied for - and was accepted into - theme housing at Clark Kerr. Heā€™s got a double, but thereā€™s a disclaimer it could possibly go to a triple if ā€œhealth guidelinesā€ change.

Yeah, paid the deposit today and registered for a meal plan. My daughter didnā€™t apply for theme housing. She got a triple room, with which sheā€™s fine.

Also, some people were concerned about the AP scores being released after the June 15 deadline. Office of Undergraduate Admissions sent an email saying transcripts are due July1 and for AP exams, ā€œThe published deadline for AP exam scores on CalCentral is July 15; however, we are aware that the 2021 exam scores will likely be delayed beyond July21. You will not be penalized for the delayed scores. If you submitted scores for AP exams prior to 2021, please know that they will not be received until mid-July.
The admissions officer assigned to your record will contact you if they have any concerns regarding your document status.ā€

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I didnt get an email abt housing yet at all but I submitted an application on time and paid the $40. whatā€™s going on?

Have you checked the housing portal. Thatā€™s where the results are posted.

My son received his housing notice with link to portal in his Berkeley email.

@Marshall98 they donā€™t post it in Cal Central. the offer is sent through berkeley.edu email address. It should also be at http://housing.berkeley.edu/

Hi CampMom2, are you replying to me or AngieNN? I donā€™t think I was talking about CalCentral or email regarding housing offers.

Anyone else in changemakers and get the email rn?? Lmk what u guys r doing, I think Iā€™m doing FPF!!!

What was the email about?

Basically, since changemakers is now on the main campus, theyā€™re letting us decide if we want to continue the program, drop the program and join FPF, or drop the program entirely and enter as a regular Cal student

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How much time were you given to make the decision?

Until SundayšŸ˜³

Thanks. Did they say why they made the change? Is housing still at Mills?

Nope we are entirely off the Mills campus. Mills recently partnered with Northeastern U, which caused Cal to essentially dissolve the Changemakers program. How Cal didnā€™t know about the Northeastern U agreement, I have no idea

General Question: Do dual enrollment community college courses count towards UC GPA? And if they are, are they weighted? TIA

Yes, UC transferable DE courses count in the UC GPA and get 1 Honors point/Semester course as long as they are taken the summer prior to 10th to the summer prior to 12th grade.


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