*UC Berkeley Class of 2025 discussion**

Bad sign for us…

Did anyone who applied for the HKU x Berkeley Dual Degree program receive a decision yesterday (for either Berkeley or the program)? Or does anyone know when we will be hearing back?

That is not a bad sign at all. The people who got acceptances are in the tippy top of all applicants, a very small percentage of favorable admission decisions. No one should take that as a bad sign.


i got that as well

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Guess this is it for Berkeley MET applicants. They may have an MET waitlist or choose from the remaining MET applicants later depending upon how many accepted candidates back out.


No. My kids got it. They did not apply for MET.

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no i think it’s a general one, i didn’t apply for MET


These kids also represent healthy demographic diversity and are at the top of their particular school. Schools vary so much between and among rigor. So I saw some people complaining about a Regent invite having much lower stats than him and that is why.

Are there any OOS regent invites from UCB?

Good luck everyone! I’ve started a poll since it sounds like maybe some people have been officially accepted.

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Agree, not a bad sign at all. We are talking about 1300-1500 admit offers out of ~ 15000 and an applicant pool of >100,000. That’s more selective than some of the ED for top schools. They still have to decide on 13500 more kids. Your odds of regents is 1 in 100, your odds in RD about 1 in 8. Why would that be a bad sign?


Yep; I got it as well.

Did anyone get an email today that the application is still under review and that while few applicants heard their decisions they are still reviewing majority of applicants?


Yes! I assume everyone who hasn’t been accepted early received it, which is the vast majority of applicants.

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As a Comp Sci applicant how do you feel about the fact that UCB does not offer direct admission to CS?

“All L&S freshmen are admitted as undeclared and encouraged to satisfy the principal prerequisites for their major during their first two years at Berkeley. In order to be admitted to the CS major, students need to meet a GPA threshold and complete a set of prerequisite courses.”

If another UC offered direct admission to CS would you take that, or are you confident about meeting the pre-reqs and GPA?

UCB offers direct admission to CS through EECS major in College of Engineering.


if your child would not want to do an alternate major, they should apply to the College of Engineering for guaranteed admission/major. You either are taking a chance with lower acceptance rate to COE, or gambling whether you can meet the pre-reqs and gpa requirement to do CS in College of L&S. My oldest son said he’d rather not attend Berkeley unless he had the guaranteed major, and knowing the risks, he applied to EECS in the COE (and got in). But he fully knew that he was taking that chance, and was comfortable attending any of the other excellent UCs for their CS majors. Even after getting in, he was considering the other UCs since he had Regents at the other campuses which offered other benefits. Good luck to your child. Cal has an excellent math program as well as a growing data science program in case CS is not an option.

My daughter was invited to apply to the SEED program. It looks very interesting and high touch. It is also I am sure extremely competitive. She is not diverse --we are white, middle class–but perhaps as a female in STEM she qualifies? A little confused by this. I would be curious how many kids are invited to apply to this program. It does require you to do an intensive 6-week summer program which sounds like a great opportunity but is an unexpected consideration. Likelihood she won’t get in in any case but I am encouraging her that she needs to put her best foot forward. Any insights beyond what has already been posted is appreciated.


@Gumbymom I am just curious if there is any data to the % of freshman applicants to the EECS compared to L&S?